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Android TV
Big screen apps, games, and content

Recommend great content to users right on the home screen. Enable users to find movies through voice search. Engage users with fluid, immersive games.

Reimagine Your App
Design your app to shine on the biggest screen in the house.
Android TV

Simple. Cinematic. Beautiful.

Smooth, fast interactions are key to a successful TV app. Keep navigation simple and light.
Bring your content forward to let users enjoy it with a minimum of effort.

Learn about design for TV

Build to Entertain
Android TV lets you engage your users in a new, shared environment.
Find out how to get your app ready for its big-screen debut.
TV layout components

Made for TV

Take advantage of pre-built fragments for browsing and interacting with media catalogs.

Learn pre-built fragments


Get Found

Help users find your content quickly with in-app searching.

Learn about app search



Suggest content from your app to keep your users coming back.

Learn about recommendations

Develop Games and Channels
Play Games on TV

Build apps that let users experience high-performance gaming in leanback mode. Users can discover your apps easily through the Games row in the Android TV Launcher.
Learn how to build games for TV

Keep Users Engaged with Channels

Create apps that serve video and music content in a linear, channel-like fashion to users. Users see your channels alongside traditional TV channels in the programming guide.
Learn how to build channels

Get Started with Android TV

Set up your development environment to build apps for TV. Start creating your big-screen experience!

Blog Post

Read more about Android TV development on our blog. Just search for "Android TV".

Android Developers Blog

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G+ Community

Follow us on Google+ to stay up-to-date with Android TV development and to join the discussion!

+Android TV Developers

ADT-1 Kit

Get information about the streaming media player for developing and testing apps for TV.

ADT-1 Development Kit

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