

What the Donald Trump and Pauline Hanson circus can teach Australia

Forget sex, it's fear that sells.

OK, don't forget sex, but fear is better for selling, for grabbing eyeballs, for frightening people into a desired course of action. Ask that master salesman, snake oil spruiker extraordinaire, Donald Trump. Or Pauline Hanson.

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Waleed Aly's plea for public calm

In a moving plea, Aly calls for Australians to empathise with one another during what he calls these 'dark times'. Vision courtesy The Project, 6.30pm weekdays on Ten.

Analyse the tabloid TV promos and the most successful generally have a scare factor – a terrible disease, increasing violence, economic ruin, killer bees.

The mainstream media is not immune. "Bad news is good news" isn't Journalism 101 – it's a prerequisite for the course.

But the umpteenth prediction of Australian housing Armageddon doesn't threaten the global economy and what passes for relative world peace. Donald Trump's fearmongering does. His dystopian view of the United States, his scapegoating, his demagoguery promoting the idea that America is being robbed and is sliding into unbridled violence and lawlessness, is dangerous for us all.

His fear-laden hectoring at the Republican convention was quick to be attacked by fact checkers. Yes, Trump did range from lying to truth bending. But the biggest lie was hiding in plain sight – "Make America Great Again". That's the central falsehood that needs to be debunked. America is great – it's Trump's biggest and most dangerous lie to convince a large proportion of the population that it is not.


It also contains lessons for Australia when politicians try to convince people they are badly done by and set long-term economic policy accordingly.  

Trump's slogan implies that America has ceased to be great, that its previous greatness has been stolen by wily Orientals and criminal Mexicans, squandered by Democrats, blown up by Muslims.

What's missing is any definition of what being "great" is, because by most definitions America is great, the greatest, and has been for the century since Europe destroyed itself during 1914-18.

If "great" means military power, the US is unchallenged. It is the world's only super power. Its $US600 billion defence budget dwarfs everyone else, a multiple of second-placed China. That it chooses to fight wars it can't win is not through any lack of power, but a lack of comprehension.

In soft power, the US leads the world – we watch its movies, we follow its stars, we play its music, we copy its broadcast news, we are enslaved to its social media and technology giants. The US will again top the medal count at next month's Olympic games. Since 1896 it has won more summer Olympics gold medals than the next three nations combined. 

In the global recognition stakes the US has no challenger. It's possible that more people outside the US than in it are aware of the main issues in American politics. Certainly the rest of the world is more aware of the US than the US is aware of the rest of the world. 

Just how 'great' does America have to be to not consider itself a nation of losers?

In energy terms the US consumes the better part of a quarter of the world's energy while making up only about 5 per cent of the world's population. The Scientific American reported the nation was responsible for half the world's solid waste.

And if "great" means economic power, the US is great indeed – the world's biggest and most powerful economy, its currency and government bonds the bedrock of the global economic system. GDP per capita isn't outright Number One, but it is if you discount oil states, tax addresses and microstates.

Distribution of that wealth is another issue, an internal one that is not the fault of Trump's bogeymen. The growing inequality appears more a matter of conservative taxation ideology, the influence of the powerful over policy and chronic under-investment in people.

In February, an age ago in the political rise of Donald Trump, Foreign Policy magazine was provoked by the then-wannabe Republican candidate to consider how America stacked up. Began the essay:

"Donald Trump's campaign has captured the deep disillusionment among many voters about America's place in the world. "This country is in big trouble," he said in the first GOP debate, a theme he has repeated in countless speeches since. "We don't win any more. We lose to China. We lose to Mexico both in trade and at the border. We lose to everybody."

Authors Edward Alden and Rebecca Strauss noted that it wasn't only Trump running such a line, a yearning "for an earlier time in which the United States was the strongest and most productive economy in the world and faced little in the way of global competition".

The US is still the strongest. The article reports the US is running third on competitiveness behind tiny Switzerland and Singapore. On innovation, it's streets ahead of everybody. It's the distribution of that greatness, the lack of investment in people, that threatens it in the longer term and is responsible for much of the current dissatisfaction. 

"On education, the United States spends a lot of money, but most of it goes to those who need it least," says Foreign Policy – a line that will sound familiar to Australians.

"The achievement gap between children from wealthy families and those from poorer families is much larger than it was a generation ago. Yet public schools in poor neighbourhoods get fewer resources than public schools in wealthy neighbourhoods, and federal financial support for universities mostly benefits the better-off students attending those institutions. Community college funding has languished, and American students in vocational and technical colleges get less support than similar students in most European countries.

"The result of such failures is a massive disconnect between the economy of US companies and the economy of average Americans. That is the fuel on which insurgent campaigns are built. Both Trump and Sanders, in different ways, are appealing to Americans who feel like they have been the losers."

Just how "great" does America have to be to not consider itself a nation of losers? That is the frightening question given the job Trump and others have done of convincing Americans their problems are caused by outsiders, instead of themselves.

The tendency of Trump (and Hanson and Xenophon) to offer protectionism as an answer is the scariest bit. Australia turning protectionist would just make the nation poorer, consumers worse off, outward-looking industries uncompetitive and encourage the protected to be inefficient. The US turning protectionist would do that as well, but it also would result in retaliation that would lower global growth and cause a massive increase in poverty.

What Trump seems to want is a world where nobody challenges the US, where the US faces no competition. The nostalgia he promotes is for a time when much of the world was still rebuilding or catching up after World War II or going nowhere under communism. By implication, Trump's America would deny poor nations the right to become well off and well-off nations the right to become as rich as the US. It's a degree of selfishness and arrogance that is breathtaking.

Contrary to the idea of American exceptionalism, the US has no God-given right to be the greatest, the richest, the most powerful. There is no reason why an American worker doing job X should be paid more than any foreign worker doing the same job, unless the American is doing it more productively. That's not part of the Trump shtick.

The demise of manufacturing jobs is a core part of Trump's political trickery – and, to a greater or lesser degree, of all Australia's political parties when votes are at stake. The belief that manufacturing jobs are somehow innately superior is quaint and silly. It's often been automation rather than cheaper Chinese workers that have cost manufacturing jobs. It is normal that, as a country becomes richer, tertiary industry dominates and secondary industry matters less. 

Keep telling people they are badly done by and many people will start believing they are badly done by, whatever the facts. One of the low points of Australian politics was the 2007 election when Rudd and Howard effectively competed to tell Australians they deserved more from the government, that "working families were doing it tough".

That was palpable nonsense. With a surging economy and strong jobs growth, working families were working – the major factor in not really doing it tough. And this was after a series of Costello budgets showering unprecedented middle-class welfare, from baby bonuses to family tax benefits, not to mention a time bomb of obscenely generous superannuation for the well off. In reality, working families had never had it so good and the rich were on a roll.

But fear sells. It gets One Nation senators elected. It has made Donald Trump the Republican nominee. We find out in November if fear and the speed of an early 19th century horse and cart could make him president and plunge the world into recession.

And that is scary.