'It's dancing!' Anne Hathaway realizes she inadvertently controls destructive monster...and gyrates for Jason Sudeikis to prove it in Colossal trailer

A giant monster is wrecking havoc in Seoul, South Korea - and it turns out Anne Hathaway's character is the reason behind it's destruction.

In a new trailer for the upcoming sci-fi thriller Colossal, Anne, 34, plays Gloria, a woman who realizes she is somehow in full control of the deadly monster's movements.  

It's a power Gloria is completely shocked to learn she possesses, and so she attempts to convince her friends she is in full control of the monster by dancing suggestively while they watch video of the beast.


They both have moves: Gloria (Anne Hathaway) dances suggestively to prove to friends in a hilarious new trailer for Colossal that she inadvertently possesses the power to control a destructive monster 

Sheer terror: A giant monster is wrecking havoc in Seoul, South Korea - and it turns out Hathaway's character may be the reason behind it's destruction

'Gloria, you've got to see this!' her friend exclaims as he watches the monster on a laptop. 'It's dancing!' 

'It's dancing, like....?' Gloria says, trying to get her friends to make the connection between her dance and the monster. 

'Holy,' Gloria's friend, played by Jason Sudeikis, says in realization.  

The trailer begins with a scene of inhabitants of Seoul running for their lives as the monster tears through the city, destroying buildings and roads. 

The proof is in the pudding: Oscar (Jason Sudeikis) and friends watch as the monster dances exactly as Gloria does

What do you think? Hathaway grins broadly as she demonstrates the unusual link 

Horrific: Citizens of Seoul watch in shock as the monster begins to wreck havoc on their city

Gloria can't believe what she's seeing as she watches the madness unfold on television.   

'I was just watching the news, and I think I'm in shock. A giant monster just materialized over Seoul', a dumb-founded Gloria explains to her friend over the phone. 

'That happened like nine hours ago!' Gloria's friend replies. 'You're just hearing about it!? What have you been doing all day?' 

Shock: Gloria calls up a friend, panicked after watching the monster wreck havoc on Seoul 

Testing it out: Hathaway raises her friend to see if the monster will follow suit 

Oh no: It is then that Gloria begins to connect the dots, as she anxiously watches the monster on television and sees how it responds as she moves her own body

Gloria's friend ponders the strange behavior of the monster.

'Do you ever notice how it keeps destroying everything in it's path, but it never looks down?' he observes. 'It's like it's being operated by a remote control.' 

It is then that Gloria begins to connect the dots, as she anxiously watches the monster on television and sees how it responds as she moves her own body. 

Gloria raises her hand and gasps as the monster does the exact same thing on television. 

Colossal is scheduled for release on April 7 and also stars Dan Stevens and Tim Blake Nelson.  

Tragic: News captures the monster leaving a path of destruction

Unbelievable: Gloria gasps as the monster does the exact same thing she does on television

Can't stop watching: Gloria's friends watch the monster on a lap top, even at the park, where Gloria demonstrates their inexplicable link 




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