Caitlyn Jenner pictured jetting to DC to attend Trump's inauguration where the future president has been encouraged to dance with the former Olympian

  • Jenner was seen at LAX airport on her way to Washington DC on Thursday
  • Jenner will reportedly be attending Trump's inauguration although it is believed she was not invited by Trump 
  • She has been criticized for her support of 'anti-LGBT' Trump
  • Bruce Jenner was a stalwart Republican before she transitioned into Caitlyn

Caitlyn Jenner was spotted on her way to Washington DC on Thursday.

The 66-year-old Keeping Up With The Kardashian vet wore a royal blue scarf with a black coat and matching purse as she made her way through's LAX airport in Los Angeles.

The reality star has said she will be attending Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday. And she may just get some special attention from the future President.

It has been claimed by a member of his administration that Trump has been urged to dance with the TV star at his ball to prove that he is in touch with America's LGBT community. 

Caitlyn Jenner was spotted at LAX airport in Los Angeles on Thursday as she makes her way to Washington DC for Donald Trump's inauguration

Trump will be officially sworn in as President of the United States tomorrow

The President-elect is unpopular with sections of the LGBT community, and it is apparently believed that the move could provide a way to bolster his support.

His advisers also reportedly believe that a dance with Jenner could build bridges with the party itself. 

'It's a brilliant idea,' a member of the incoming administration told Richard Johnson at Page Six.  

'The image of Trump dancing with Caitlyn would send a strong message that he supports gay rights and trans rights,' the Republican said.

'A picture is worth a thousand tweets.'

Bruce Jenner was a stalwart Republican long before she transitioned into Caitlyn.

The former Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete has been called the most famous openly transgender woman in the world, but has received criticism within the LGBT community for her support of Trump. 

The 66-year-old Keeping Up With The Kardashian star wore a royal blue scarf with a black coat and matching purse. It is not known what she will wear to the inauguration

Keep it classic with Caitlyn's Givenchy tote bag

With the drop in temperatures during the colder months, most people tend to gravitate toward darker hues. The same goes for our accessories as we opt for moodier colors and more structural pieces.

Just take a look at Caitlyn Jenner as she arrived in DC for the inauguration look chci and sophisticated with a classic tote bag by Givenchy. With its foldover flap, structured silhouette and signature shark tooth detail, this is one timeless piece that will always be en vogue.

At $2590 this bag is quite a hefty investment, but well worth the cost as it will last for years to come. Follow the link on the right to Net-A-Porter to buy it now.

And if your budget won't allow for such an extravagant purchase, we've got several options below that are on the more affordable end. This Tommy Hilfiger is our top pick and it's a fraction of the cost of Caitlyn's bag!


It has been claimed by a member his administration that Trump has been urged to dance with the TV star at his ball to prove that he is in touch with America's LGBT community

The Republican party is often seen to be broadly unsupportive of LGBT rights.

Trump has expressed support for North Carolina’s HB2 law, which states that in government buildings, individuals may only use restrooms and changing facilities that correspond to the sex on their birth certificates.

The President-elect has also said that he would rescind the Obama Administration’s guidance that transgender students be allowed to use restrooms that match their gender identity, and he has made it clear he would not enforce federal civil rights laws to ensure transgender Americans are treated equally under the law.

Jenner's publicist said: 'Can't deal in hypotheticals. We'll just have to wait and see.' 

Jenner will reportedly be attending the inauguration although it is believed she was not invited by Trump, but will attend as a guest of the American Unity Fund, a conservative nonprofit that works on behalf of LGBTQ Americans.

Jenner has been criticized for her support of Donald Trump and the Republican Party

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