Perfectly timed photos captured at JUST the right moment create hilarious optical illusions, so can you tell what's going on? 

  • Taking the perfect picture is all about getting the timing right
  • This compilation, put together by Bored Panda, captures hilarious coincidences 
  • These are moments that the photographer definitely didn't know would happen

Taking the perfect picture has a lot to do with timing. 

This compilation of photographs, put together by Bored Panda, proves just how important it can be when the camera clicks at the right second.

From a person with a horses head to a dog with antlers and a woman's face coming out of a fire, these pictures capture hilarious coincidences and strange illusions.  

This picture captures the perfect moment before a man falls into water - and it appears the water has become solid too 

The collection has been viewed nearly two million times already. 

Had these photographs been taken just moments later, they wouldn't have been quite so memorable.

The timing really is make or break and these photographers might not have known the importance of their shot until it was taken. 

These types of pictures can't always be planned and are often just a pleasant - and hilarious - surprise. 

The half-moon has become this boat's wind sail as this photograph captures the exact moment they align

The colour of this cat's ear makes it appear as though it is see-through and disappears against this man's forehead 

This photographer captured the moment a bird opened its mouth to eat a berry from the bush 

This person decided that they didn't want their old head so decided to replace it with a horse's instead 

As a man stood at the alter waiting to take his marriage vows, an owl was captured covering the entirety of his face 

Did the person taking the photo know that the fire resembled a woman looking from the side?

As a group of planes flew through the sky in perfect timing, a seagull decided to join in 

This bubble is so big that it manages to capture a dog running through the garden 

What a coincidence! A dragonfly happened to land on a woman's leg right above her identical dragonfly tattoo

The dog must have been aware of what the number plate said when they decided to stick one ear up and keep the other down 

One man seemed to relax a little too much as he sat and sunbathed next to the water 

Do you think you got a good picture of the supermoon? Because it appears this person got an even better one in Dubai 

This rock resembles a person's mouth and the camera-person captured the moment people entered its mouth 

This rollercoaster was going a little too fast and managed to go straight into the sky and beyond 

As these two girls stood minding their own business, somebody caught one of them with a beard

When this man struggled with his crutches, he didn't realise that he could have quite easily flown instead 

Cats are incredibly mischievous animals - as proven by this one who tried to sabotage their own's selfie

A girl was caught on camera the moment she put her arm out and burst the bubble in front of her

Is this a dog or a deer? Camera captures the moment a tree makes it look as though this pet had antlers 

Moments before the sun broke through the clouds it made it look as though a dog was breathing fire in the sky 

The before and after picture of a girl making friends with a frog and then swiftly falling out with it

This smiling man had no idea that within half a second a bucket of water would be landing on his head 

A mother and daughter's heads have disappeared and been replaced by Minnie Mouse

A girl decided to take a little nap and woke up feeling like Olympic champion Tom Daley 

Are these a pair of suspender tights with pretty patterns or just a part of the garden furniture?

This man has one exceptionally long arm that can manage to be placed on a woman's shoulder from a long way away 

Have you ever been able to reach the end of a rainbow? This one started out of a bin on an airplane runway 

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