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Heat fan has door fall on head after winning prize 

Heat fan has door fall on head after winning prize
Thursday, January 19, 2017, 9:04 PM

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out just took on a whole new meaning for one Miami Heat fan.

A young woman narrowly avoided serious injury after a makeshift door almost crushed her at halfcourt before Thursday’s game against the Mavericks.

The fan was participating to win a spa gift card and had to see if her card would open the door on the court.

When she slid the card into the door and unlocked it, she walked through victorious but then the door came crashing down onto her, hitting the side of her head before she managed to get out of the way.

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The incident caused a two-minute delay to the start of the game, but reporters present confirmed that the woman was okay.

Heads up! A fake door nearly crushes a young Miami Heat fan at Thursday's game.

Heads up! A fake door nearly crushes a young Miami Heat fan at Thursday's game.

It took about five men to pick the door back up.

The gift card was for a three-day, two-night stay at a spa service.

She probably deserves an extra day or two after that ordeal.

miami heat
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