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Daily Horoscopes by Madalyn Aslan


You’re plagued with feelings of sorrow. It’s not completely your fault; things have been coming undone. However, beware a tendency to wallow. Now is the time to put on a brave face and where you see sadness, you have to create light. It’s the only antidote that has the power.

More Aries


Being in a leadership position is never easy. It’s even harder if your close counsel has misinformation. Today, before taking the word of a coworker, do some investigating and see for yourself where projects currently are. You’ll have a better understanding if you make the discovery yourself. Trust in your own instincts first, always. 

More Taurus


You’ve been throwing yourself in so many directions, that you’re losing pieces of yourself along the way. Today take the time to recollect yourself. Literally, in some cases, you may have to backtrack to see where you left some things. Remind yourself that speed doesn’t necessarily equal accuracy. Slow yourself down and recover.   

More Gemini


An issue at home is causing your levels of anxiety to spike. Before you end up saying anything you’re going to regret, take yourself on a little trip. Even if it’s just a walk around the block, you’re going to need to create some space between you and all the turmoil. 

More cancer


There are humungous changes on the horizon that are going to greatly affect your existence. Now before letting panic set in, remember that you are always in control of your reaction. That is the one choice you always have. So keep in mind all of your stored away bravery. Today’s the day for courage.  

More leo


You may feel that you’re slowly losing all your ground and that everyone else holds the power. That’s simply not the case. You’re just allowing yourself to be victimized by your own fears. You need a stronger stance and then you will boldly be able to move forward in the directions of your dreams. 

More virgo


You’ve been allowing your secret prejudices and emotions to control your decision-making today. For all those around, it makes it an extremely volatile atmosphere of hopelessness. Instead, rely upon cold logic. Sometimes it provides more of a judicious response that will illuminate what needs to be done. Do not create more chaos. 

More libra


There’s a loved one who is struggling against insurmountable odds today. If you’re sensitive enough you will be able to pick up on who it is. They hide pain well, so allow the spirit of compassion and perception to move through you. Sometimes, you get lost in your own dramas. Make the call.  

More scorpio


You’ve been holding that fighter stance for so long, that the cosmos is finally acknowledging it. You’ve been braver in the last couple of months, than you thought possible. The universe tests our resilience and strength. Keep showing the world that you refuse to back down. Defending the innocent will bring fortune. 

More sagittarius


The ball is finally in your court. How do you proceed? You have been waiting for this decisive moment all your life. Whichever path you decide to go down, will reap its own rewards. However, there are consequences as well. Be very mindful how this next choice is going to affect your loved ones. 

More capricorn


You hide your afflictions well, but even you have gotten a little bit sloppy. Everyone has private indulgences. Keep them private. No one needs to know what you do to maintain your level of productivity. Just keep at it. Keep your head down and be a little more discreet. Give them what they want. 

More aquarius


A loved one is keeping a vital piece of information from you. Knowledge doesn’t necessarily bring joy, however, nor is ignorance the bliss they promise. It may take a few conversations and a few glasses of wine to loosen their lips, but do it. Get to the bottom of this; your intuition was right. 

More pisces
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