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Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Horoscopes by Madalyn Aslan

Happy Birthday Capricorn!

January 19, 2017 By: Madalyn Aslan

Happy birthday, charismatic creator! You’re born with a great choice in this life. Powerful and happy when you express your uniqueness – and protect it with calm, healthy routines. You share your birthday with intense shooting stars Janis Joplin and Edgar Allen Poe, and it’s not easy, but super-rewarding when you honor your positive dreams, love yourself, and are surrounded by kindness. Before October, Jupiter gives you the best professional opportunities you’ve had since 2004, and all 2017 wise ruler Saturn opens a healing space within this success to rest your psyche, and invite more love and spirituality in. 

Madalyn Aslan

Madalyn Aslan is the astrologer for The New York Daily News and for A child psychic, her first televised reading was for Rock Hudson when she was 14 on the Mediterranean. She is the best-selling author of "Madalyn Aslan’s Jupiter Signs" and "What’s Your Sign?" and her memoir, “Naked Mother”, will be released soon. She received her B.A. from Cornell University, a fellowship from Columbia University, and a Master’s Degree from Sarah Lawrence College. She is the only astrologer in "Who’s Who" whose readings are auctioned at Christie’s and who was invited by Kofi Annan to “Symposium VI” in Brazil. To learn more about Madalyn Aslan and to read extended horoscopes, visit her website

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Monthly horoscope



January is amazing for you professionally! Positive planets are lit up in your tenth career sector and they help you make the right decisions you need to make about your future after January 9. Following a dazzling and somewhat exhausting holiday period, you are now ready to hunker down to furthering your career. As January gets truly underway, the emphasis shifts to your eleventh sector of professional allies and the groups and clubs to which you belong. Here is where incredible luck comes – going straight into February. Relationships are still the theme of your year and the most influential in terms of you going forward, so it is crucial that you work cooperatively with everyone. Agreements and contracts you solidify after mid-January have the potential to set you up for life.

More Aries


January needs to include some travel for you, Taurus! After being so bound to family members in terms of care and shared monies and resources, you are ready for a refreshing break. You have a lot on your plate following the holiday season and you want to step into 2017 as unfrazzled as you can be. Work is abundant and there will be plenty of projects to choose from. After January 10 is the best time for you to hire some form of assistance to help you with your many chores. Delegation is your theme for the rest of the month, and as January gets fully underway you find that financial arrangements and legal options will vastly improve. Love is all around you but it is best to wait until next month to pursue a new relationship.

More Taurus


January is a surprisingly emotional month for you. Not only are loved ones very prominent this month, but also your care and concern for their future. There will be changes in your family which will require some practical adjustments – and re-adjustments – in the household dynamic. Finances will play a large part in this and the more generous you can be with financial agreements, contracts, and arrangements, the better off everyone will be. Love and romance promise to sparkle and shine even following a holiday of many parties and having fun, as you and your partner don’t seem to be ready to slow down at all! Single Gemini (very few of you remaining) is also blessed in love this January. Social gatherings are a goldmine for you and you will have your pick of the crop.

More Gemini


January demands that you sort out a domestic situation that has been unclear for some time. Home is where your heart is but a huge career break beckons after mid-month which involves some changes, and it is an amazing opportunity that you really won’t want to turn down! Those with whom you live are going through something which requires they be left alone to do it. At the same time, your health is requiring extra care and it is crucial that you make this a priority in terms of choosing a top specialist for your needs. Self-care is actually more important this month than your care for others: give yourself permission for this. Love is surprisingly volatile – after a long period of holding it together and relative calm – and changes are ahead. With wisdom and foresight, you will make the very best decisions.

More cancer


January is a remarkable month for you. Feelings you’ve never had before arise and you seem to be experiencing a form of rebirth in yourself. Love and life are passionate this month, challenging, and certainly not dull! A new creative project has been set in motion which will demand all of your time for the next couple of months and you must be fierce and disciplined with your daily routine in order to do well. Siblings, sibling-like pals, and neighbors offer the greatest help and resources now, so you mustn’t hesitate to ask for what you need. This is the most effortless area for you now, so please take advantage of Jupiter’s luck here. The lovely parties and entertaining of the holidays are definitely at an end now, but your joy – and your loved ones’ joy – continues to grow.

More leo


January is very lucky for you financially and you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for that raise or promotion you are seeking. If you are an entrepreneur or freelancer, you can definitely raise your rates and apply for more funds, such as scholarships and fellowships. Just make sure you wait to do this until after your ruler Mercury goes direct on January 8! Until then matters are still going to be a bit foggy and confusing, particularly regarding your home situation and potentially a partner’s state of mind. Those around you seem to be in a funk and in need of your assistance. Virgo always makes life so much better for everyone and this January is no exception. With Jupiter affirming a healthy sense of your self-worth, you will be able to do this without sacrificing your resources or self-esteem.

More virgo


Jupiter’s protection of you still shines brightly and guarantees that January will be a successful month. You have been driving yourself professionally and after January 10 you begin to see greater rewards in your public reputation. Your work efforts have not gone unnoticed but your body is starting to register the toll. Mars in your sixth sector of health and work until January 28 means you need to give yourself some serious self-care in order to replenish after the last few exhausting months. As January gets fully underway expect some necessary changes on the home front. You will be faced with an important decision to make about home and property and the best road to take will be the most “selfish” one. The true answer lies inside yourself and will be clear as day, if you only give yourself permission to see it.

More libra


January will be a welcome relief following the holidays when you give yourself quiet time and rest. Jupiter is protecting the most private part of your chart so allow yourself to shut the door on the outside world for a time. Surprisingly, you will get amazing ideas and profits from all your communications, particularly on the internet, during January’s first three weeks. Finances are a concern but it’s important not to worry or stress. Instead, you need to ask others for help, and this includes people you know who are living far away from you. This is the ideal period for you to accept aid and financial tips, so go ahead and do what may not come naturally to you. The most refreshing part of this month will be in your love life. Passion and sparks will ignite all around you!

More scorpio


January begins on a challenging note but ends up being one of your best months ever! Many demands are being placed on you, work-wise, financially, and through unexpected turns and changes in your love life and with offspring. Of course you are up to all of it, and you’ve certainly strengthened your life muscle through Saturn tasking your sign since December 2014. Just be careful of miscommunications and remember to stay patient and think long term, not short term, and you will triumph magnificently. Your lucky breaks this month occur courtesy of your ruler Jupiter in your professional circles and via work contacts and colleagues, both past and present. Be grateful for the help they give you. Much of it translates into a lot of money down the road. You might not be able to see the full reward quite yet, but give it time. It’s going to work out awesomely.

More sagittarius


As January begins you need rest more than anything. You have survived and triumphed over incredible obstacles and this is your time to recover and replenish. So you can go forward into your amazing future! And it will be amazing, just you wait and see. You are at a critical transition point now in your life and you will choose wisely. Speak from the heart and do not hold anything back. It is imperative that you make your needs known because you are essentially carving out the next three years in the next two months. No pressure, Capricorn, that’s just the way it is! And if anyone works well under pressure, it is certainly you. After January 9, finances and home matters will be decided and settled satisfactorily under your firm control. Give yourself January’s first week to regather and you’ll be back on the saddle just fine.

More capricorn


Above all, you seem to want to get out of Dodge, so it wouldn’t be surprising to find you in an exotic locale as January begins – or certainly planning to travel to one! International matters are certainly highlighted for you under Jupiter’s lucky and profitable spell, and this includes people who are from far away also. You can even expect a few financial breaks from this quarter. The month’s challenges are to be found amongst your professional and social circles closer to home and work. (Another good reason to want to get out of Dodge!) Sadly, there is a bit of gossip going on around you there, and you will want to deal with this as maturely and wisely as you can. No impulsive statements or rash actions, Aquarius. Saturn is your life teacher right now in this area and will reward you for taking your time with this matter. A happy ending is in your future here!

More aquarius


Mid-January is your best part of the month with amazing offers popping up all over the place! Your most fortunate outlook is in terms of the financial, and your most challenging outlook is in terms of your profession and public reputation. One, however, will help the other. The former, your finances, will be vastly improved due to monies with others, including family money, inheritance, settlements, company funds, and mutual resources. This, in turn, gives you peace and time in which to make important decisions regarding your public work. You have been thinking about making career changes for some time in terms of making necessary adjustments. Trust yourself that you will make the right decisions, Pisces. Loved ones are all around you and are just waiting to help you.

More pisces