
Malcolm Knox
Missing you already: Chris Lynn hits lustily for the Heat.

Mid-year report for the Bingewatch League

Like any binge television viewing, the Big Bash League moves too fast for analysis of one particular match. Themes can, however, emerge from the continuum, and here's a report card of the BBL06 season so far.

Like watching paint dry: Two fans during the rain delay at the Sydney Cricket Ground on the third day of the Test.

Rain of terror killing cricket

Recorded long-distance telephone conversation between Kerry Packer (location: The Hereafter High-High-Rollers' Room) and unnamed Nine Network cricket producer (location: Sydney Cricket Ground). Date: First week of 2017.

Perfect pair: Matt Renshaw and Peter Handscomb pose with the SCG Honour Board.

Handscomb the mad scientist of batting

Just before 11am on Wednesday, 20-year-old Matthew Renshaw walked off the Sydney Cricket Ground to a standing ovation after scoring 184, his maiden Test century.

Australian captain Steve Smith in the nets before the third test at the SCG.

Sydney's still a Test cricket city

Sydney has embraced its Big Bash franchises, the Sixers and Thunder. Both have won the tournament, yet Sydney cricket crowds still reserve their hearts for the New Year's Test match.