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Aftab Khanna

Kellogg MBA, management consultant and an avid blogger

Aftab is a recent MBA Graduate from the Kellogg School of Management located close to Chicago. A management consultant, he loves to travel, photograph and watch sports of different hues. His writing focuses on business school experiences, Indian and international politics, latest cricketing events and general social observations. In his spare time, he loves to Golf and read up on history and biographies.

Tetra Images - Erik Isakson via Getty Images

9 Historical Moments That Show What Makes America Great

This past week Britain voted to leave the EU. A key theme of the 'Leave' campaign was to wrest control of the nation back and reclaim "lost English pride". In America, Donald Trump has been campaigning since last summer to "Make America Great Again". But what constitutes a nation's greatness or glory? And what is this lost greatness that Trump is seeking to find in America. Perhaps a historical tour through some seminal moments of American history might shed some light on "American greatness".
03/07/2016 8:42 AM IST
Fuse via Getty Images

Why The MBA Is More Relevant Than Ever

Despite scepticism from some corners that an MBA may be over-rated, my experience, both pre and post business school, often revealed why the market craves branded managers. It isn't as much as the stamp of the degree on your CV or the doors that it opens but what incremental value time at the school adds for its graduates.
29/03/2016 8:21 AM IST
phototechno via Getty Images

Can Big Tech Still Innovate?

In an era where unicorns are the flavour of the day and every business wants to be the "next Uber of its category", how can large technology firms, catering to a mass base of enterprise and consumers, claim the innovation mantle? And beyond that lies the larger question -- is the trade-off between growth and innovation always a losing one?
07/12/2015 8:38 AM IST
JEWEL SAMAD via Getty Images

Here's Why Microsoft Should Shift Focus From Functionality To Experience

As Satya Nadella defines a core vision that tries to be end user neutral, it is critical for Microsoft not to lose the design race. It is a folly to think that the corporate user laptop software market is locked for perpetuity. Already, for many creative jobs such as in the media, photography, research, innovation, laboratory work, digital and design consulting, Apple is making a play and replacing Windows which offers limited imagination for such users.
22/10/2015 8:35 AM IST

By ‘Celebrating' 1965 War, India Is Just Gloating Over A Draw

It is fairly appropriate for India and Pakistan to honour and remember their soldiers who fought valiantly and laid down their lives during the campaign. Yet any "victory celebration" of the 1965 war, on either side, must be examined against hard facts and not become simply a propaganda vehicle for the state. The war, as historians and military generals have correctly argued, was a battle of attrition and ultimately a stalemate.
03/09/2015 8:26 AM IST

10 MBA Takeaways For Prospective Students

Approaching graduation, I often asked myself what were some of the major things I was taking away from the experience. An MBA gives you technical skills and core subject matter knowledge but some lessons stand out. As I thought about my own learnings, a few things came to mind and I thought it worth to share them with current and prospective students.
10/07/2015 8:36 AM IST