Piers Morgan Trolls Internet, Rubbing His Friendship With Trump In Critics' Faces

'Yeah, I hate it when people get mad at me for my friendships with sexist, racist hatemongers too.'

Piers Morgan has trolled the internet by celebrating his ties with president-elect Donald Trump, a day before the Republican’s inauguration.

The Good Morning Britain host gleefully baited his followers on Thursday by including a tweet on Ladbrokes’ odds of Trump mentioning him in his speech.

Ladbrokes are offering 100 to 1 odds on Donald Trump saying "@piersmorgan" in his inauguration speech tomorrow. Worth a punt?

— Joseph Dobbs (@Joseph_Dobbs) January 19, 2017

Definitely. He told me his opening line will be: 'My fellow Americans...and Piers
Morgan.' https://t.co/L4DOJWSNou

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 19, 2017

Ladbrokes has since recalculated the odds in its ‘Buzzword Bingo’ game and suggest the chances of Trump name-dropping Morgan are 33/1. The word ‘tartan’ and the TV show Saturday Night Live have the same odds.

The words Ladbrokes believes Trump is most likely to say are: Make America Great Again, Reagan, tremendous, ISIS, China and Clinton.

Morgan’s betting post received little reaction, with the below tweet being one of two comments:

@swillmedia @piersmorgan @realDonaldTrump TRUMP NO! pic.twitter.com/f5BVtaTupj

— Monty Hfuhruhurr MP (@BanjoHfuhruhur) January 19, 2017

Ever the ringmaster, Morgan then upped the ante, re-tweeting a Twitter quote card from the BBC where he was being introduced as “the only Brit followed by Donald Trump on Twitter”.

Our first #bbcqt panellist this week: best friend of President-elect @realDonaldTrump broadcaster @piersmorgan (1/5) pic.twitter.com/iGwYJTfinF

— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) January 19, 2017

This caused some to ponder why Nigel Farage hadn’t got a friendly follow, while others took a moment to celebrate the fact Morgan had a friend in another country.

@bbcquestiontime @realDonaldTrump @piersmorgan Well that's the cunt quota filled admirably. Who else you got?

— Kruntie Plopkins (@ktplopkins) January 19, 2017

But Morgan didn’t stop there in his attempts to really harness the fury of the Trump-haters.

He then announced he was changing his Twitter profile picture.

Step aside Dalai Lama.

The best thing about being good friends with @realDonaldTrump is how much it enrages everyone.
Time to change my profile pic.

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 19, 2017

@piersmorgan @GMB What happened to Dalai Lama picture?

— JC (@Loaded555) January 19, 2017

He just got bounced for the President. https://t.co/CE4Rrvz8IV

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 19, 2017

The move seemed to get the desired reaction.

@piersmorgan Yeah, I hate it when ppl get mad at me for my friendships w sexist, racist hatemongers too. P.S Does DT even know who you are?

— Peter Schwartzstein (@PSchwartzstein) January 19, 2017

@piersmorgan @realDonaldTrump That's probably 20 years ago. Surely he knows you're a cunt by now?

— Young Rich (@YoungRichArtist) January 19, 2017

@piersmorgan @realDonaldTrump enuf said.. pic.twitter.com/k9Gce0E6AS

— Revolutionary (@Common_man18) January 19, 2017

@piersmorgan @realDonaldTrump Not enraged, most peiple just thinking you're a couple of dicks.

— Mr X (@MusicSnobb) January 19, 2017

@piersmorgan Not enraged, just disappointed in you. Unfollowing. Like you care! You're friends with the most powerful psychopath on earth.

— Karma Galore (@karma_galore) January 19, 2017

@piersmorgan Great profile picture. One of the best.

— Clive van der Spuy (@vdspuycb) January 19, 2017

@piersmorgan not many people can swap a picture of themselves with @DalaiLama with a picture of themselves with @realDonaldTrump #extremes

— Phillip Ingamells (@ingamells) January 19, 2017

@piersmorgan @realDonaldTrump suggest you join the locker room club with the other scum pic.twitter.com/yQOgbJYKmq

— Tweet 2017 (@BkkJoe2) January 19, 2017

However, some were smart enough not to play the game of cat and mouse and offered Morgan some advice instead.

@piersmorgan Rule #1 for all wannabe contrarians: Don't tell everyone you're trying to be a contrarian. Kinda ruins the look.

— Choostas (@Choostas) January 19, 2017

But it didn’t stop there.

In which @hugorifkind is much, much too nice about @piersmorgan: https://t.co/i3JULInK1K It's very simple: Piers worships power.

— Tomos Doran (@portraitinflesh) January 19, 2017

It's simpler than that: I like Donald Trump. https://t.co/PFFYG73Wg1

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 19, 2017

@piersmorgan From editor of a leftwing tabloid to cheerleader for fascism in under 15 years is quite the career trajectory.

— Michiel van Hulten (@mvanhulten) January 19, 2017

I was editor of a right wing tabloid, too.
Oh, and I voted for both Thatcher & Blair.
Suck the lemons out of that... https://t.co/7aI22f75ZS

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 19, 2017

It felt like @piersmorgan and I were the only two outside of the US that had anything nice to say about Trump https://t.co/dgaxaRIunY

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) January 19, 2017

You did too when you signed up to host The Apprentice, you shameless charlatan. https://t.co/HUpWBtOxO7

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 19, 2017

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