Donald Trump set to be inaugurated US president

American flags hang outside the US Capitol in Washington, DC in preparation for Donald Trump's inauguration.
American flags hang outside the US Capitol in Washington, DC in preparation for Donald Trump's inauguration. Bloomberg

Donald Trump's inaugural address as the 45th president of the United States in Washington on Friday will be closely watched by investors and governments around the world for any signals about the new administration's economic and foreign policy priorities.

The details and tone delivered in an anticipated 20-minute speech will commence the billionaire businessman's first 100 days in power that he has pledged to be action packed.

Mr Trump will be sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts and will place a hand on two Bibles.

The controversial Republican faces a big challenge to unite deeply divided Americans, many of whom are still coming to terms with his shock November election win after a brutal campaign against Hillary Clinton to "Make America Great Again".

A worker pulls a cable line from the floor of the inaugural platform on the west front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC.
A worker pulls a cable line from the floor of the inaugural platform on the west front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC. David Paul Morris/Bloomberg

Mr Trump's approval rating of 40 per cent is the lowest of the last seven newly elected presidents. He will assume power at midday in Washington on Friday (Saturday morning Australian time) from Democrat Barack Obama – one of the most popular outgoing presidents in modern history.

New sheriff in town

Mr Trump's inaugural committee chairman, private equity investor Thomas Barrack, dismissed the polls and said the "trepidation" reflected there being a "new sheriff in town".

"The new people on the street are not part of the legacy Washington establishment and that terrifies everyone, and that's why he was elected," Mr Barrack said.

On Wall Street, analysts are on alert for any emphasis Mr Trump places on economic policies such as tax reform, renegotiating trade deals, infrastructure investment and unwinding regulation.

Work continues on Wednesday on the stand for the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump on the west front of the ...
Work continues on Wednesday on the stand for the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump on the west front of the Capitol in Washington. Alex Brandon/AP

Citibank economist Dana Peterson said "markets should take the intentions behind the inauguration speech seriously".

"Trump's policies are going to be US-centric, and his tactics are likely to be forceful initially, with an aim of forging 'better deals' for the US middle-class and 'forgotten' labourers who were the perceived casualties of globalisation," she said.

Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen said on Wednesday that "regulatory policy and fiscal policy – the decisions by the Administration and the Congress about how much and how the government spends, taxes, and borrows" can influence the economy and productivity.

Dr Yellen defended the independence of the central bank from political influence, following  Mr Trump's attack on her during the campaign, as "very political" and alleging she kept interest rates low to help Mr Obama.

Beyonce sings the US national anthem at Barack Obama's inauguration in Washington in 2013.
Beyonce sings the US national anthem at Barack Obama's inauguration in Washington in 2013. Carolyn Kaster/AP

The arch nationalist Mr Trump has said his biggest initial priorities will be to repeal and replace Mr Obama's healthcare insurance law, reform taxes and improve border security to keep out illegal immigrants.

Swearing in

By convention, presidents raise their right hand and place their left hand on a Bible, though a few presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt did not use a Bible.

Mr Trump will use two Bibles; his own that was a gift from his mother when he graduated Sunday Church Primary School in New York in 1955, and the same Bible that president Abraham Lincoln used at his inauguration in 1861.

Michelle Obama in her first inaugural gown in 2009.
Michelle Obama in her first inaugural gown in 2009. New York Times

Mike Pence, a deeply conservative former Indiana governor and congressman, will become vice-president, succeeding Democrat Joe Biden.

Australia's ambassador to the US, former treasurer Joe Hockey, will represent the Turnbull government at the event and have a close-up view with fellow foreign ambassadors at the west front outside the US Capitol Building.

Foreign allies and rivals of the US are on edge about the Trump administration's defence, security and trade policies.

During and since the election, he has repeatedly assailed China, expressed interest in forging closer relations with Russia, questioned alliances such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and vowed to abandon trade agreements that he has argued are unfair to American businesses and workers in the manufacturing sector.

The Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management is planning for 800,000 to 900,000 people to attend the swearing-in ceremony and inaugural parade, well short of Mr Obama's record setting first inauguration of an estimated 1.8 million people in 2009.

Rain has been forecast for the day.

Anti-Trump protesters have descended on Washington to express their outrage at the real estate mogul becoming the country's leader, after his stinging comments about immigrants, Muslims and women during the campaign.

Boycotts expected

More than 60 Democratic lawmakers have vowed to boycott the ceremony, in response to Mr Trump's rebuke of civil rights leader John Lewis, accusations of Russian-hacking during the election to help Mr Trump and disadvantage Mrs Clinton, and his other divisive remarks.

Mr Trump's spokesman, Sean Spicer, said the President-elect  would deliver a "very, very personal" speech and aim to bring the country together by focusing on people's safety and creating jobs.

"It's going to be about action and success, not so much about rhetoric," Mr Spicer said.

Former president Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary are due to attend the inauguration, along with the outgoing President Obama, and former presidents George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter.

George H. W. Bush will not attend due to ill health – he was hospitalised this week.

Asked in a recent US television interview what he would be thinking as power moved to Mr Trump, Mr Obama said: "As Churchill said, it's [democracy] the worst form of government except for all the others".

Mr Obama has emphasised that a peaceful and smooth transition to power is paramount. The President and President-elect have spoken regularly since the November 8 election, and Mr Obama has offered counsel on running the White House, foreign policy and domestic issues.

Amid a Hollywood backlash, Mr Trump he has struggled to attract big-name performers to his inauguration.

winner Jackie Evanchoe, country music star Toby Keith and rock band 3 Doors Down are listed to play.

Mr Trump and incoming first lady Melania Trump, a Slovene-American former model, will attend traditional inaugural balls on Friday night.

On Saturday, hundreds of thousands of women are to participate in "March on Washington", a tacit protest against Mr Trump's presidency.