Trump's Inauguration In Numbers -- From Ticket Costs To Frosty Temps

If you want to sit down, you'll have to pay.

20/01/2017 8:23 AM AEDT | Updated 20/01/2017 6:02 PM AEDT
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As Australians prepare for Donald Trump's inauguration as the 45th President of the United States of America on Saturday morning, here are some numbers to get you in the mood.

$1 million -- the upper cost of tickets to an exclusive inauguration luncheon with Trump and his cabinet.

This compares to Barack Obama's donation-for-access exclusive luncheon capped at $500,000 a ticket and George Bush's similar event at $250,000. As for the inauguration itself, the event is not paid by the public purse, rather it's funded by ticket holders and the campaign.

The inaugural committee released Trump's lunch menu which includes Maine lobster and Gulf shrimp in a saffron sauce, Angus beef from Virginia with Idaho potatoes and a chocolate souffle with cherry vanilla ice cream.

2°C -- The average low of Washington in January

The average temperature in Washington, DC wavers from 2.2°C to 7.2°C in January. Snow is also common in January and many an inauguration has been pushed on through a blizzard.

Handout . / Reuters
William Howard Taft and President Theodore Roosevelt head through a snowstorm to the Capitol for Taft's inauguration in 1909.

4 -- The number of high-profile musicians who publicly refused to perform at Trump's inauguration

Classical singer Charlotte Church delivered a classic burn via poop emoji.

English singer Rebecca Ferguson released a public statement saying she would not perform because she was not allowed to sing a song of her choice -- equal rights protest song Strange Fruit.

Garth Brooks reportedly said he'd rather "sit this one out" having previously stated he'd be happy to perform.

DJ Moby said he was offered to perform, despite calling Trump a "sociopath" but would only get up on stage if Trump released his tax returns.

There's also speculation surrounding a snub from Sir Elton John, whose songs are often played at Trump rallies. Rumours are also swirling about classical singer Andrea Bocelli, who was reportedly going to perform. Kanye West is also not performing, despite being a supporter of Trump.

Who's left? Noughties band Three Doors Down, The Radio City Rockettes, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir (minus one member who resigned in protest) and America's Got Talent star Jackie Evancho.

Obama got Beyonce. #JustSayin

Brooks Kraft via Getty Images
Beyonce sings the U.S. National Anthem.

1 Designated Survivor -- The person to carry on if there's a catastrophe

On the off-chance a disaster wipes out every dignitary at the inauguration, the government has a back up plan -- one designated survivor, who will be outside of the Capitol, ready to take over. They'll have a military detail for the day.

It's a Cold War tradition that continues to this day.

5 hours -- The time taken to move into The White House

While the first removalist truck pulled up to the White House on January 5, there is a five-hour stint called the 'transfer of families' when all Obama stuff goes, and Trump goods are unloaded. This White House transition happens in the hours before inauguration day.

35 words -- The length of the oath all Presidents of the United States of America must take

Obama had to make the oath again the next day because he mixed up the words. He's one of five Presidents to get it wrong.

Corbis via Getty Images
Obama got the oath right the second time.

1.8million -- The most people to ever arrive at an inauguration

Obama holds the record for the most people to ever attend an inauguration and while Trump's President-elect popularity level is lower than Obama, Trump himself speculates he'll draw a record-breaking crowd.

4 -- The number of fighter jets in the airspace

There will be four combat jets, and another four black hawk helicopters patrolling the restricted airspace above the inauguration grounds amid heightened security.

1am -- The time keen Australians get up to follow the event

If all goes according to plan, Trump will go to church at about 1am AEST, before the swearing-in ceremony begins at 1.30am. An hour later, Trump will meet Obama at the White House.

By 3:45am, soon-to-be vice-president Mike Pence takes his oath. At 4am, Trump will take his oath and deliver the Inaugural Address. An hour later, Obama and his family will be farewelled and then by 6.30am, President Trump will lead the inaugural parade to the White House.

By the time most Australians are waking up, celebratory balls will be kicking off around Washington.


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