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Other Reports and Features

Anti-Abortion Violence: America's Forgotten Terrorism

Although the media has not been paying much attention, recent years have seen a steady stream of anti-abortion violence, from shootings to firebombings and arsons. Anti-abortion extremists believe that violence is justified if it will stop what they perceive as the murder of millions.

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Bigots on Bikes: The Growing Links between White Supremacists and BIker Gangs

In recent years, a disturbing trend has emerged on the white supremacist scene in the United States. More and more white supremacists are developing links to motorcycle clubs across the country, including outlaw motorcycle gangs frequently involved with criminal activity. All of the major white supremacist movements have developed ties to the outlaw biker subculture, while some white supremacists have even formed their own biker gangs.

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The Lawless Ones: The Resurgence of the Sovereign Citizen Movement

In recent years, the anti-government extremist "sovereign citizen" movement has experienced a considerable resurgence, which has resulted in a significant growth in both membership and activity - including violent activity - across the United States.

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