Fond farewell to the accidental NSW Premier Mike Baird

Mike Baird retires from politics

Some are born great, some achieve greatness but Mike Baird was clearly in the category of those who had greatness thrust upon them.

As Baird himself told The Australian Financial Review shortly after he took the job he did not expect or want to be NSW premier. Until the morning of April 17, 2014 it was the universal expectation that Barry O'Farrell would be a three-term premier staying at the top till 2024.

But then O'Farrell quit after his disaster at the Independent Commission Against Corruption and Baird was catapulted into the job.

Baird was always a loyal cabinet member but, as O'Farrell's treasurer, Baird sometimes gave a glint of what he might be like if given a free rein. He would privately express his frustration that for three years after winning government O'Farrell had done nothing about the single biggest issue on the agenda: the privatisation of the state's electricity networks.

Premier Mike Baird embraces his family after a press conference announcing his resignation in Sydney.
Premier Mike Baird embraces his family after a press conference announcing his resignation in Sydney. Janie Barrett

From his position as treasurer Baird floated the idea repeatedly, only to be swatted down by the boss.

So when he got the job, he was able to do what he thought was right, as the committed Christian would express it in his faintly theological style. He almost immediately made selling the power assets his signature issue and despite the risk of a spectacular failure at the 2015 state election he followed his heart and won.

He said he wanted to "transform" NSW and he has.

Baird's balancing act genius

Baird was lucky in the job in that the NSW economy was probably on an upswing thanks to a housing boom and the falling dollar. But he certainly has helped that process by his investment program funded by privatisation proceeds and some smart micro-economic reforms. One thinks of NSW's clever decision to legalise Uber.

David Rowe

Baird's genius was that probably better than any other Australian politician he balanced zeal for a free-market, productivity focused agenda with a deep conscience on social issues that was quite genuine and often quite outside the normal Liberal world view.

Compare Baird to failed Liberals like Campbell Newman in Queensland or indeed his surfing buddy Tony Abbott.

Baird took a very different approach to those two on issues from backing public education, to building ties with the Muslim community after the Lindt cafe siege or even in his single-minded and often lonely campaign to legalise medicinal cannabis.

His loss will be felt in the Federal sphere mostly because he used his nice guy charm and massive popularity to push the envelope of the debate on Federalism and tax reform.

NSW Premier Mike Baird announces his retirement at a press conference on Thursday.
NSW Premier Mike Baird announces his retirement at a press conference on Thursday. Janie Barrett

He allowed his Planning Minister Brad Stokes to endorse an end to negative gearing as part of the solution to the state's housing crisis. Earlier he took a big risk floating his own plan to increase the GST to help fund social services.

There are of course plenty of Baird haters out there and on some issues they have a point.

The biggest single black spot on his record is the inexplicable decision to sack Megan Latham, the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption and undermine an institution whose value was confirmed last month when Eddie Obeid, the corrupt ALP power broker, was finally sent to jail as a direct result of ICAC's inquiries.

Baird came to office pledging to defend ICAC and turn the page on the Liberal Party funding scandals that cost O'Farrell his job.

But in the face of a campaign started by by the right wing of his Liberal caucus whose ranks were decimated by the ICAC revelations and taken up by shock jocks like Alan Jones, Baird wilted and sacked Latham for doing her job.

One of the huge unanswered questions for his successor is how to recruit plausible candidates to the new panel of three ICAC commissioners, who will know now they can be dismissed if they put important noses out of joint.

Another huge source of opposition has been the $20 billion WestConnex freeway that Baird is building through the centre of Sydney, a project which to be fair he largely inherited from O'Farrell. Some of the opposition to the huge road is self-serving NIMBYism from residents of the inner suburbs.

But the NSW auditor general has raised serious questions about the planning and consultation of the project which has at times been arrogant and secretive. Baird was forced last year into a backdown after admitting he had offered inadequate compensation to residents displaced by the project.

In the long-term it is fair to ask a bigger question about whether Baird has articulated a clear vision for Sydney. Why is he spending so much money on bringing more cars into an ever more congested inner city? For someone who spent so much money on infrastructure, town planning is not a subject Baird likes to talk about. The only map he seems to notice is the electoral map of Sydney.

While the decision to quit politics and return to his private sector roots seems to have been taken largely for personal reasons, Baird has left himself open to the accusation that he has quit when the going got tough. Certainly his approval ratings have fallen from their stellar highs.

But Baird has thought carefully about the timing and he is not leaving his party or his government in the lurch.

Frankly a lot of the difficult stuff has been done. The major reforms he wanted to push through and the major infrastructure projects he planned are now largely under way and no longer quite so controversial. The privatisations are all but over, including the dramatic sale of Ausgrid last year that was bedevilled by uncertainty over Federal foreign investment rules.

Despite a slide in the polls recently the election is two years away and very winnable. By leaving now Baird will make it easier for a successor to establish their own brand and probably compromise or even drop some unpopular policies that have been identified closely with Baird personally.

Room for the new NSW Premier

The new premier can be more flexible on issues such as forced council amalgamations and the vexed issue of the ban on greyhound racing. The latter issue sounds trivial but it really is just a proxy in NSW for how to deal with the rural and regional discontent that has opened the way for One Nation in WA and Queensland.

In the end, it is a pity that Baird has chosen not to persist and it says a lot about how unattractive a career in politics is to people who like the former investment banker Baird have other options.

"The last six months were very hard for him," says a former NSW Liberal leader. "He always said 'Get the policy right and the politics will follow'. Well that idea all fell apart on greyhounds.Don't forget he's a Christian. Well you had Ray Hadley and Alan Jones saying things like 'if you're a Christian how can you be doing this' to greyhound people in the country."He leaves however with an honoured place in the history of NSW, a state often associated with machine politicians, corruption and vicious partisan conflict. He can claim that he broke that mould.