New Releases

Video games have gone from being something kids play to big business.

Across Australia the number of police suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is growing, damaged by the extreme situations they're repeatedly exposed to.

There are startling and credible predictions that more than five million Australian jobs will simply disappear in the next 15 years as a result of technology.

International rugby union star David Pocock is no ordinary sportsman. At 27, he made headlines around the world for his stand-out performances with the Wallabies during the 2015 Rugby World Cup.

For the first time, a series examines the work of dedicated Prison Chaplains who provide much needed pastoral and spiritual care to more than 30,000 men and women locked up in Australian prisons.

A massive influx of devout Lutheran refugees from Africa to a church in country Victoria has increased the congregation from 20 to 200 causing chaos, but also bringing much fun, friendship and love

Fake News items have been attracting a lot of attention recently and some people claimed they might have had a huge effect on the US presidential election.

Celebrating the ever-changing nature of our relationship with the Earth's amazing water systems, Rivers and Life reveals how the cultues and lives of millions of ordinary

Conviction delves deep into the world of the homicide detective - the recognised elite of any police force.  Their job involves not only establishing the facts of a murder

Sir Michael Marmot is a global authority on public health who has spent his career investigating how soci factors affect the health of the world's population. 

Farmer Pat Murphy and his family moved to their 'dream property' at Maules Creek in New South Wales seven years ago.

The Stendrode is a radically new approach in the field of "brain-machine interfaces" - technology that delivers mind-control over computers, robotic limbs or exoskeletons and gives people with para

Antibiotics have saved millions of lives, but their misuse and overuse is making them less effective as bacteria develop resistance.  Despite scientists' warnings, anitbiotic prescriptions in many

Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, accounting for up to 70 percent of cases.  After the age of 65, the chance of getting the disease doubles every five years.  Given there's no cure,

Canberra Honors Vietnam Veterans at a ceremony at Parliament House Canberra on the Eve of Vietnam Veterans'Day, August 17 2016

The dog is man and woman's best friend, but how good a friend to your dog are you? We all like to think our dogs are really happy with us. But how can we be sure?

Stan Savige fought at Gallipoli, then commanded the operation that saved 50,000 Assyrian refugee

Australian Story delivers a rare

Rainforests hold the key to the secret of life on our planet. They are the most abundant and diverse land environments on earth.