WA News

Man evicted from Kwinana council meeting had knife confiscated moments before

A Kwinana council meeting had to be adjourned on Wednesday night to evict a rowdy ratepayer, who moments before had a large knife confiscated from his bag by security.

WAtoday understands elected members were alarmed councillors were not told until after the meeting the man was allowed to enter the chambers after being told by security to put the knife in his car.

"The council meeting was adjourned for a short time last night while a member of the public was asked to leave the council chambers due to his language and behaviour," a spokesperson for the city said.

"The person in question did seek to enter the chambers with a large knife but was asked to place the knife back in his vehicle by our security personnel before addressing council."

Kwinana mayor Carol Adams didn't want to go into details about the incident or whether the man would be allowed back at future council meetings.

"The city just put out a few lines in a statement saying "we do welcome members of the public attending and asking questions of council".  


"That liberty does not however extend to disruptive or disrespectful conduct," he said.  

 A police spokeswoman said as the man did not make "threats" to anyone no charges would be laid.

She said police were aware a knife was confiscated from the man, but refused to say what type of knife it was.

"As part of normal security procedures at the council a bag check was conducted and a knife was located in a bag," she said.

"The person did not enter the chambers or meeting with the knife. No threats were ever made to anyone."

WAtoday understands the man was a well-known "council watcher" who was angry he didn't get to ask questions at Kwinana's December meeting.

It's understood he went on a "15-minute rant" during question time on Wednesday night without actually asking the city any questions.

When he made a personal attack on a councillor, security were called in and the meeting was adjourned.