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Amorous kangaroos help WA tour guide win national photography competition

A late night kangaroo love story has helped a WA tourism operator win a national photography competition after his stunning photographs of the amorous pair went viral on social media.

Sean Blocksidge, from the Margaret River Discovery Company, has a couple of Wilyabrup kangaroos to thank for his win in the Tourism Australia G'Day USA award for the year's best photograph.

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A late night kangaroo love story in Margaret River has been caught on camera.

Selected from a pool of finalists from around the country, Mr Blocksidge's Sunset Kangaroos snap quickly went viral after he shared it with his ever-increasing social media audience in July and the story was picked up by national media outlets.  

"It was shared into thousands of networks; it went nuts," Mr Blocksidge said of the overwhelming response. 

"Once the bigger media outlets got hold of it there would have been millions of views. 

Tourism Australia shared the photo as the headline image for their weekly collection of Australian images.


A post on the largest destination Facebook page in the world, boasting more than seven million followers, soon attracted even more attention and Blocksidge saw his social media statistics skyrocket.

"My personal records show views and likes in the hundreds of thousands and growing," he said.

"But there would be millions of views that I can't monitor from the newspapers and syndicated websites."

However, it was the story of how the photograph came to be which held much of the charm for Sunset Kangaroos becoming one of the most shared Australian images of 2016.

Mr Blocksidge was on the way home from work on when he spotted a lamb on the side of the road, outside the fence to its paddock.

He quickly pulled over and attempted to catch the lamb however, the frisky little fellow led him on a merry dance down a random bush track.

"We eventually caught the lamb and got it back with its mum but, as it had already altered my evening plans I decided to go exploring down the track it had led me on," Mr Blocksidge said.

Excited at the prospect of finding a new trail that he could use for tours in the Margaret River region, Mr Blocksidge wandered along before looking back up the hill where he noticed two kangaroos getting "a bit amorous".

At first he just thought "that's a pretty cool scene" but, then he said it got about "a hundred times better" as the full moon started to rise.

"I had a problem though... no camera."

Mr Blocksidge rushed back to the car to grab his camera and then headed back up the trail to find a nice spot to get a good shot of the spectacular scene unfolding in front of him.

However, then disaster struck.

As he started to zoom in on the courting kangaroos and the rising moon, the camera died.

"It wouldn't focus and started making sick electronic whirring sounds. Years of clunking, dropping it, getting sand and salt water on it and a general lack of care were combining to kill the camera at the very moment I needed it most.

Mr Blocksidge he "fair dinkum nearly had a heart attack" at that point and was terrified he wouldn't be able to immortalise the moment.

"This was the best thing I've ever seen and I wasn't going to be able to get photo of it," he said.

"But, at that moment I think karma kicked in and nature decided to give one back to me for the lamb rescue.

"The camera started working, the kangaroos moved a bit closer and the moon moved into perfect position. Click, click, click - got it!"

Mr Blocksidge's prize is a ticket to the Tourism Australia G'Day USA gala event in Los Angeles at the end of the month and he said he was keen to share the best of the region with the world.

"I see this as an amazing opportunity to represent the Margaret River region in the USA," he said.

"The American market has been growing solidly in recent years and we are really starting to see an increase in people coming to experience the Margaret River wine region.  

"I regularly hear them say this is the real Australia they have been looking for".

Mr Blocksidge believes the photograph of the iconic Australian marsupials attracted so much attention thanks to the cheeky behaviour of the pair, and hopes he will have an opportunity to thank them for their contribution.

"I was stoked with my photo luck but never imagined it would win me a trip half ;way round the world!

"It's awesome, If I ever find those kangaroos again I need to give them a thank you carrot."

The G'Day LA Gala is part of a week-long showcase with events held in New York, California and Texas aimed at promoting Australia as a global tourism, business and academic destination.

-with the Margaret River Mail.