Daily Life

This is why older Australians are happier than younger ones

Many of us stray from what will make us happy but older people tend to have their wellbeing compass pointed in the right direction, according to a new national survey by the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

As a 75-year Harvard study on happiness also found, our relationships with others is the No.1 factor affecting our wellbeing, the APS revealed. 

Getting it right: Making the connection, without distraction.
Getting it right: Making the connection, without distraction. Photo: iStock

Despite numerous studies coming to the same conclusion, that our sense of connection with others is key, many of us are distracted in our interactions, never able to be fully present and enjoy the full benefits.

"People always report they want their relationships and enjoy them, then we act in ways that undermine those relationships," says the University of Melbourne's Professor Peggy Kern, who created the ongoing survey, Compass for Life

We'll be with someone, for instance and, Kern says, "we're doing 10 other things at the same time, which undermines our connection to them".

She adds that we tend to spend less time together as a family connected, without distractions of phones and television, these days.


Unlike those aged 25 to 34 who scored significantly higher on loneliness, older Australians, who reported the highest levels of wellbeing, happiness, tended to value offline relationships more than online ones.

"The younger generation is connected to TV and social media," Kern says. "For the older generation, TV didn't exist."

This matters, in part because technology distracts us from real, face-to-face connections with people, but also because it means we are more likely to subscribe to misguided messages of what will make us happy.

The survey found that although people named wealth in the top three factors for a good life, those who focus on success and value material things have lower levels of wellbeing than those who don't.

"Society is always telling us that those who have are happy – it becomes this eternal pursuit – we're socialised into this," Kern explains.

"Advertisers are great at capturing the psychology that keeps us in pursuit ... of a moving boundary."

She adds that whether or not wealth contributes to wellbeing also depends on our attitude towards it. 

Beyond having enough money to meet our basic needs, Kern says, those who tend to report higher levels of happiness focus on the experience – if they have money that affords them the ability to travel or do nice things with loved ones, for instance – not the material.

Those with a greater sense of wellbeing also tend not to base it on transient emotions like feeling ecstatic happiness, so much as an overall sense of content.

In this way, the older people also have their finger on the pulse of wellbeing.

"It's the ageing paradox – as they get older, they report being happier," Kern says. "Younger people tend to focus on the feelings, as people get older, they shift more to that deeper sense – and find ways to be content.

"It's thinking beyond just how you feel, beyond just 'do I feel happy' to our relationships. It's kind of like a journey – we can do things to support our wellbeing. Wellbeing doesn't just happen. There's value in taking care of our physical health and exercising, there's value in taking care of our mental health, too. "

There is one thing we can all do more of to improve our mental wellbeing, Kern says, and that is mindfulness.

The survey found that the happiest Australians practice mindfulness and "live in the moment". 

This finding makes particular sense given "we're in a distracted age", Kern says.

"Mindfulness provides the tools to take control of our attention," she explains.

"Too often we take for granted the things that give us pleasure. Mindfulness helps remind us to focus on the good that we have – not the pursuit of things that [don't make us happy]."

It provides the focus, in a world of constant distraction and multi-tasking – and gives us pause to ask a question essential to our wellbeing: "What actually matters in my life?"
