Mike Baird, accidental premier

He fell into the top job when a bottle of Grange turned sour. Nearly a year later, Mike Baird has a good chance of becoming NSW premier on his own merit. The success of his nice guy, anti-ideology persona is something Liberals nationwide could learn from.

AFR Photo: Nic Walker

He fell into the top job when a bottle of Grange turned sour. Nearly a year later, Mike Baird has a good chance of becoming NSW premier on his own merit. The success of his nice guy, anti-ideology persona is something Liberals nationwide could learn from.

There was a moment during Mike Baird's first press conference as Premier of NSW that must have made his minders wonder if he was ready for the job. It was only a day after his boss Barry O'Farrell's shock resignation over a bottle of red wine, and minutes after winning a party ballot for the leadership, that Baird emerged to take questions from the press.

He was comfortable thanking his family and staff, and talked a lot about finance and infrastructure, which had been his responsibility as treasurer. But then a reporter from the Star Observer, Sydney's gay newspaper, asked what he thought about gay marriage. It was an obvious question given Baird's well-known links to the Christian right, his past as a theology student and the electoral importance of the gay vote in NSW. But it was a new kind of politics for Baird, who had been a banker until just seven years before and, as treasurer, had hardly spoken publicly about anything but the dry technical world of the state's finances.

Obviously taken aback, Baird burst into nervous laughter and declined to answer. "I didn't expect to get asked that question," was all he could get out.

Mike Baird (above, centre) with, clockwise from left, musician Kirk Pengilly, surfer Layne Beachley, former NSW premier ...
Mike Baird (above, centre) with, clockwise from left, musician Kirk Pengilly, surfer Layne Beachley, former NSW premier Nathan Rees and a young participant walking for Southern Youth and Family Services, which supports vulnerable young people. AFR

Those flutters are now over. Baird is heading to a state election in March and the indications are he will win. It's a confidence booster sorely needed by a Liberal Party battered by the loss of the Victorian state election late last year and poor federal government popularity polls. Baird, meanwhile, is expected to win comfortably, although the appointment in January of new Opposition Leader Luke Foley could make it a closer race.

Despite his political inexperience, the Liberal Party seems to have made the right choice in roping in a cleanskin to run the state. Fresh-faced and only 46, Baird appears to have saved what could have been a very dangerous situation in the wake of the Independent Commission Against Corruption inquiry. It was ICAC that cost O'Farrell his job last April, and it is ICAC that could deal a potentially terminal blow to the careers of up to 10 other Liberal MPs.

Competition and compassion

If Baird wins this election and pulls off his plan to raise $20 billion by selling the state's electricity networks, he could well become a long-term fixture in Australian politics, with a key role not just in NSW but in national debates on everything from federation to tax policy.

Former Liberal premier Nick Greiner says Baird is much less ideological than many in politics and has married the classic Liberal value of "competition" with the moral idea of "compassion", always a difficult balance. A case in point is Baird's strategy for overcoming public concern about privatisation by pledging to plough revenue back into infrastructure. As a quid pro quo for the electricity sell-off he has promised to build more roads, railways and hospitals. If that bargain works and Baird wins convincingly, it could inspire other states such as Queensland, South Australia and Victoria to restart their own privatisation programs. "Mike has invented a marketing tactic to make privatisation palatable," Greiner says.

Baird at the opening of the Hydro Majestic in the Blue Mountains outside Sydney in October 2014.
Baird at the opening of the Hydro Majestic in the Blue Mountains outside Sydney in October 2014. Photo: Christopher Pearce/Fairfax Media

Politically, Baird's great skill has been to convince voters in short order that he is a nice, ordinary guy. That is no mean feat for someone who used to be a merchant banker, a profession better known for cold-blooded aggression. It's a transition the likes of Greiner, John Hewson and Malcolm Turnbull have all struggled with. Baird's humanity was highlighted by the Martin Place Lindt cafe siege last year, after which he spoke eloquently about the community's sorrow and the need for healing.

It's hard to imagine a nice guy doing a dirty job like running NSW but Baird is doing a great impression of one. At a multicultural day in November at Blaxcell Street Public School in Sydney's west, he looks like he missed his vocation as a primary school teacher. "Boys and girls, how many of you would like to be premier?" A sea of little hands. "Fantastic, I don't think I would have put my hand up for the job. I wanted to be a pilot or a cricketer."

Out in the open

Last year, Baird took a week off from being Premier to accompany a dozen business and community leaders and eight troubled youths on an organised walking trip in the MacDonnell Ranges in the Northern Territory. Gail Kelly, outgoing chief executive of Westpac, went along. "This was a seven-day, 24/7 experience, and we saw first-hand what a thoroughly nice person Mike is," Kelly says. "Warm, centred, giving of himself, full of energy and thoughtfulness for others. His strong leadership skills were on display, as well as his remarkable energy and enthusiasm for life. It was a wonderful experience to be part of."

One of the other participants was former ALP premier Nathan Rees. Elizabeth Ann Macgregor, director of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, who was also on the walk, recalls Baird and Rees teasing each other in a joking way during the trip. She was surprised that when Baird spoke about social justice issues around the campfire, he did so with conviction. "I am from England and I grew up under Thatcher and we don't have that kind of compassionate conservatism," she says.

Baird has a tendency – rather unusual on the Liberal side of politics – of trying to reach across the political aisle. He doesn't seem to have the visceral hatred of the other side that afflicts so many politicians. He has appointed former ALP figures such as John Hatzistergos and John Watkins to run sensitive inquiries and has worked with Paul Keating on the Barangaroo development. He pays tribute to Mark Lennon, secretary of Unions NSW and his mortal enemy in the battle to sell off the poles and wires.

Baird describes himself as a close mate of Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey, both also from Sydney's comfortable north shore. A fellow surfer, Abbott sometimes joins him in the waves on Sydney's northern beaches. ("It is my only escape," Baird sighs.) But the key difference is that he is not a life-long professional politician. He got into the game only in his late 30s.

Paul Broad, chief executive of state-owned power firm Snowy Hydro, says of Baird, with whom he has worked closely: "The real strength about Mike is that he is not a career politician. He had to make a choice to go into politics. Where other politicians who used to be minders lead with the politics, he heads to the issues." Formerly chief of NSW's infrastructure planning agency, Broad says Baird understood the need to run a cost benefit analysis of new projects rather than just promise whatever would attract votes in marginal electorates.

Paternal influence

Baird's attitude to politics is deeply influenced by his politician father, Bruce, a senior figure in the Greiner and Fahey state governments in the early 1990s and then a federal MP from 1998 to 2007. The "terrible" moments in his father's political career had a big influence on the son. "That's probably why for most of the first 10 or 12 years I ran away, doing anything but [politics] . . . I had seen what had happened," he says.

He remembers his father being "knocked off" in a bitter factional battle in 1992 to succeed Nick Greiner as premier, and being isolated as a federal Liberal MP in the Howard years because he opposed mandatory detention of asylum seekers. Baird snr was named by the Rudd government in 2008 to chair its Refugee Resettlement Advisory Council.

Baird jnr may also have inherited some of his father's small "l" views on social policy. On his office wall are three pictures: Roden Cutler, a former NSW governor from Manly; William Wilberforce, a low churchman who led the campaign to abolish slavery in Britain in the 19th century; and Martin Luther King. The captions are "results", "integrity" and "passion".

Baird jnr reflects on what he learnt watching his father. "He stood up to members of the party on issues of refugees," he says. "To me, that's the important point. If you do anything substantial, you are going to face resistance."

Baird has been a passionate backer of public education and the Gonski education reforms. In his maiden speech in Parliament, he paid tribute to the public hospital system, which saved his wife's life when his son Luke was born. He was quick to distance himself from Prime Minister Abbott's plans to roll back the penalties for hate speech in the federal Racial Discrimination Act.

Baird enjoyed a privileged upbringing on Sydney's north shore and abroad, punctuated by occasional religious-inspired pangs of social conscience. He went to school in New York for a couple of years when his father was head of the Austrade delegation there, finishing his schooling at Sydney's elite The King's School. He was deeply religious in his teens but not pure dork, recently revealing he had "experimented" with marijuana. He is clever but not an intellectual. He often reads about sports. He says his last book was a biography of tennis champion Andre Agassi.

After Sydney Uni, Baird ended up on the solid ground of banking. His 18-year career took him from graduate trainee banker at NAB to Deutsche Bank, then back to NAB then HSBC. There were stints in London for NAB and in Hong Kong for HSBC.

One thing Baird learnt in banking was his style of management. He quit the global giant Deutsche Bank because it was a "solo" show; he says he preferred NAB, which was more into team work. But he saw plenty of examples of bad management across the sector. He remembers submitting his first loan application for approval by a senior manager at NAB and having it returned with the letters "C-R-A-P" scrawled on the first paragraph. "I was devastated . . . You learn a lot about leadership, probably the most powerful lessons are from the worst leaders."

But Baird was always an ambivalent banker. "I was enjoying the career but I didn't want to get to the end of my days knowing that I had not made some attempt to make the community I am part of, and the state I am part of, better. I have generally had that wrestle."

At the age of 32, Baird decided to throw it all in and head over to Vancouver to study at a theology school. It was not for him and he decided to go back to banking. He could have stayed, says John Edwards, Reserve Bank of Australia board member and former HSBC chief economist. "Mike was very highly regarded at HSBC and would no doubt have had a stellar career there had he wished."

Christianity still plays a large role in Baird's life and he attends both an Anglican church in Manly, where he lives, and a Thursday morning prayer meeting in Parliament House run by the Reverend Fred Nile, leader of the Christian Democratic Party that holds the balance of power in the upper house. Baird's chief-of-staff, Bay Warburton, son of the climate sceptic company director, Dick, is also deeply religious.

When asked about how he mixes politics and religion, Baird insists he will never "legislate his views". He has won praise from gays for his support for expunging all past criminal convictions under homosexuality laws. He has pushed for clinical trials for medical use of marijuana.

Ruthless side

Baird plays on his nice guy image and has a particular look of disappointment when accused of playing dirty. Still, some question just how nice a guy Baird is and, indeed, he cannot be that nice doing the job he does. He admits that a preselection battle in 2007, when he decided to run for the state seat of Manly, was an extremely bitter one in which he triumphed only after receiving personal backing from John Howard, then prime minister, and Peter Debnam, then NSW opposition leader. He alleges his opponents played rough and even put a tail on him to look for dirt. But he also admits that he brought in some heavy hitters to help him, including David Begg, a lobbyist linked to Michael Photios, the NSW Liberal power broker who has appeared twice at ICAC this year in inquiries into Liberal campaign donations.

Baird also showed a ruthless side as opposition treasury spokesman, when he aggressively prosecuted the case against the ALP's privatisation of the state's power generation assets in 2010. Baird backed privatisation in theory but said the way the ALP structured the deal failed to get the best value for the budget. Even after winning government in 2011, Baird appointed a commission of inquiry under former Supreme Court judge Brian Tamberlin to look at allegations of fraud in relation to the $5.3 billion sale of electricity assets. Tamberlin found nothing, but while the inquiry was under way, Baird approached an investment bank to get an alternative opinion.

Tamberlin raised this attempt to go behind his back in his final report and said the figures created for Baird had "no weight". Some say Baird was desperately looking for a smoking gun and ask why he spent money on a royal commission that produced nothing. Baird says there was nothing "strategic or feigned" about his attack on the ALP power sale and he still thinks it the worst government decision he had seen.

Baird has also been fairly ruthless in his approach to public servants. When he took over as treasurer in 2011, he pushed through thousands of unpopular job cuts. He also advertised the position of secretary of treasury, cancelling the contract of the incumbent, Michael Schur, whose main sin seems to have been working under the ALP. On becoming premier, he advertised the position of Chris Eccles, head of the premier's department under O'Farrell. He defends both decisions and denies this is a threat to the independent public service. "I understand the importance that talent plays in the ability to achieve your goals. I would have been happy for [Schur and Eccles] to apply for the roles but I can't let that stand in the way. You have to get the best possible people."

Oddly enough, Eccles was replaced with Blair Comley, formerly head of the federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and a key author of the carbon tax. "I didn't hire him for that," Baird says. On climate change, he accepts the idea that human emissions are driving climate change. "There's no doubt. It is having an impact."

Sudden elevation

One of the key tests Baird has faced in his brief tenure as premier was how to respond to the disaster that started at 9.30am on Wednesday, April 17, 2014, when a thank-you card from O'Farrell to Nick Di Girolamo, the business partner of disgraced former ALP powerbroker Eddie Obeid, was tendered as evidence to ICAC. The card recording the gift of the $3000 bottle of Penfolds Grange from the businessman to the premier was a political death sentence for O'Farrell, who only the day before had sworn on oath that he had not received such a gift.

O'Farrell resigned within an hour, saying it had been a "massive memory loss". Baird was called out of a conference and told the premier's job was vacant. Describing his emotions, he later said: "The world swallowed me up."

Before taking the job, Baird had to get permission for the sudden change of plans from wife Kerryn and three children – Luke, Cate and Laura, the latter who was in her final year at high school. He would have less time to enjoy those waves at Manly and Curl Curl.

The timing might have been a shock but Baird has long been tipped as a possible future premier and he was not caught flat-footed. In another sign that he is not as artless as he likes to seem, within hours of O'Farrell's resignation, Baird invited in television cameras to watch him go to work in a clear sign he was pitching for the job.

Heading off a challenge from Gladys Berejiklian, the Transport Minister who many say was O'Farrell's first choice as successor, Baird found himself at the centre of some of the messiest, dirtiest bits of Liberal Party machine politics.

He had to lash together a party disappearing around him because of ICAC. Only three weeks after he named a cabinet, he was forced to announce a reshuffle as the ICAC inquiry dragged on and the list of Liberal party MPs forced to stand aside from the party stretched to 10. The ICAC revelations also posed a threat to the Liberal Party machine Baird was relying on to run his election campaign. He had to stand down chief fundraiser Paul Nicolaou and party secretary Mark Neeham, both allegedly involved in a scheme to launder illegal donations through front companies.

Baird had to reframe the government's political strategy. Previously, every speech had started with a denunciation of ALP corruption under Eddie Obeid. Suddenly that didn't wash. The Liberals could hardly campaign on being not quite as bad as Labor.

Deft handling

Baird made two key decisions, both shrewd. First, he tried to change the conversation by convincing the Coalition to accept the decision to privatise 49 per cent of the state's power assets. It was a break with O'Farrell, who had dithered over taking such a risky policy to the electorate – power privatisation has been electoral poison in NSW for decades. Maybe O'Farrell would have taken the risk eventually but Baird moved quickly and aggressively, crafting the slogan about "transforming" NSW with the proceeds of the privatisation. The opposition has attacked the sale but it is difficult for it to argue against the proposed infrastructure it would fund.

Baird's second big decision was to draw a line under the corruption issue by admitting the Liberals were almost as bad as Labor. It was a bold move. While O'Farrell had played down the rumblings of corruption inside his party, Baird's strategy was confession and repentance. He publicly professed himself "appalled" at what had happened and promised a fundamental reform of his party and campaign financing laws. He said that for corrupt Liberal MPs, "I am your worst enemy".

Yet despite his frequent mea culpas, Baird has handled the corruption issue with a very careful eye on politics. He knew he had to do something to reform campaign finance laws to stamp out the excesses revealed at ICAC. He cannily appointed respected businesswoman Kerry Schott to run an inquiry for long-term reform which would come out just before the March election.

In the meantime, he set about preparing a campaign finance bill that would suit his party in the lead-up to the 2015 election. While the bill was true to Baird's pledge to impose tougher penalties on campaign finance fraud, his bill delivered a massive boost to public funding of political parties. Previously, parties that spent most received less reimbursement from the state budget, forcing them to raise their own cash. Under the new law, parties will be reimbursed a generous $4 per vote. That helps the Liberals who will poll well but whose finance machine has been decimated by ICAC.

Robert Borsak, leader of the Shooters and Fishers Party in the upper house, says he rejected Baird's proposal when he came knocking on his door. He says Baird is not all about high principle and he was just looking to sort out his party's problems with cash from the state budget.

"When it comes to money, he was down here like a shot," Borsak says, claiming Baird admitted at one meeting that he had crafted a bill that suited the Liberals' needs. "I said, 'You guys have got no dough'," Borsak recalls. "This is about maximising your cash flow." Baird eventually cut a deal with the Greens and Fred Nile.

People skills

Clearly Baird can be tough and he will have to be more so. Yet one of his skills is an ability to avoid making enemies. It helps him to build bridges. He dumped Greg Smith as attorney-general, in what was seen as a surrender to shock jocks who thought the former public prosecutor was blocking their push for tougher sentences. Even though Baird abandoned him, Smith still described him as a "friend" in his farewell speech to Parliament.

One of Baird's early tests was a furore when Vic Alhadeff, the Jewish head of the NSW Community Relations Commission, an interfaith government-funded body, issued a press release accusing Hamas in Gaza of war crimes. The Arab community humiliated Baird by boycotting the regular Iftar dinner at Parliament to break the daily fast during Ramadan. It was a potentially dangerous issue, not least politically since Islamic votes could swing a number of marginal seats in western Sydney.

Around this time, Baird arranged a private dinner with his driver, who is Muslim, and invited some Muslim community leaders along. Alhadeff eventually resigned; Baird clearly was not unhappy. "The statements that went out were undoubtedly inflammatory and inappropriate for someone in his position," he told The Australian Financial Review.

But Baird did allow Alhadeff to make his own decision to resign and Alhadeff still says the Premier was "gracious". Baird's people skills were on display when the two men, both keen runners, met by accident for the first time after that bitter incident. Neck and neck in the last leg of Sydney's City2Surf running race, the two men chatted. Alhadeff says Baird, who had effectively just sacked him, let him race ahead at the finish. Baird insists he was losing anyway. "Vic just had a lot more in the tank."

The Australian Financial Review