Daily Life

When rights of children should outweigh their parents' religious beliefs

 Despite what you may have heard, the "burqa" is not just a piece of cloth. Viewed by some Islamic traditions as a religious obligation that fulfils Islam's requirement for female modesty, to other more liberal Muslim schools of thought, it is a sign of fundamentalism that places disproportionate burden on women and girls.

As such, the obsession with discussing the face veil's place in western society misses the real issues that Muslims should be grappling with: What is the appropriate role and expression of modesty in 21st century Islam, and how can we navigate the tension between the right to practice religion freely and the right of women to not practice it all?

Last week, the burqa yet again again came under the spotlight. As Angela Merkel proposed a ban on the face veil in public spaces last week, Germany's highest court ruled against an 11-year-old female student and her parents who had objected to mandatory co-ed swimming lessons.

Although the lessons accommodate religious sensitivities in allowing the burkini, the family argued that, in showing the outline of the female body, the famed "Islamic" swimsuit violates rules on modesty. These views place the parents well outside the Muslim mainstream.

Remember, this is the same burkini that French politicians claimed was an expression of "the Salafisation of (French) society," Salafism being one of the strictest branches of Sunni Islam.

Too modest or not modest enough? This contradiction betrays the west's resistance to Islam's diverse and dynamic nature. Far from being Salafist, the burkini is, as that family in Germany argued, regarded as un-Islamic by the more hardline branches of Sunni Islam, including Salafism, Wahhabism, and Hanbalism.


Meanwhile, although mainstream Muslims find the burkini sufficiently modest, other, more marginal and liberal sects would find it too restrictive.

Clearly, "modesty" means different things to different people. That Islam, like all religions, is open to interpretation was not lost on the German court, which dismissed the case on the grounds there are "no binding rules" in Islam that define what women must wear.

Indeed. How then, has the face veil come to so strongly symbolise Islam and Muslim womanhood?

As someone from a small sect whose female members long ago said no to the headscarf, let alone face veils, I am astounded when non-Muslims demand to know why I supposedly think it's okay to force women to cover their faces.

Just as frustrating are accusations I must agree with female genital mutilation, stoning women who have sex outside marriage, and killing heretics (if those last two were true, I'd be in favour of stoning myself).

Not only do I not agree with them, they are completely outside my experience and understanding of Islam. That I am expected to answer for them speaks to the failure of our society to distinguish between Islam's varied sects, sub-sects, and offshoots.

For too long, western fears have allowed specific interpretations of Islam to drive its antipathy towards Muslims in general.

This has allowed the myth of Islam as a static monolith to flourish, leaving public perception of Muslims disproportionately influenced by the more illiberal practices of certain branches of Islam that occupy more than their fare share of attention.

The interpretation of "modesty" to mean women should cover their entire bodies in loose, dark fabric is one such practice. Although I gave up modesty and religious practice long ago, I am opposed to any move to ban the face veil for adults on the basis it is not the place of governments to dictate the clothing of grown women.

I do, however, agree with Germany's decision to enforce mixed swimming classes. While this may seem contradictory, it comes down to whether the rights of children to bodily autonomy supersede the rights of their parents to religious freedom.

They do, and they must.

No matter their parents' religion, children must be given a fair opportunity to choose which path in life they wish to take.

Austin James*, a social worker who works with refugees in the German school system, warns of the potential to cause harm to girls' psychological wellbeing given their cultural upbringing could breed intense feelings of body shame.

"There has to be room for decisions and process that consider individual needs and circumstances," Austin told me.

However, as someone raised in an environment where "modesty" was interpreted as swimming in cut-off shorts and a tank top (I always changed into a one-piece at the pool) and found even that stifling, I know how suffocating and emotionally damaging it can be to grow up in a strict home, denied full participation in the world that exists right outside your doorstep.

Even more difficult is finding the courage to reject this upbringing. Freedom of religion is important. But so is empowering young people to turn their backs on religion or practice a different form of it – if they wish to do so.

Sometimes, this empowerment must come from a law such as this that prioritises children at the expense of their parents – anything else makes it far too easy to leave some girls behind.

Yes, having this debate in a climate of near-hysteria over Islam can embolden xenophobes. I also expect significant pushback from some Muslims. But, given that, as Austin admits, "The vast majority of Muslim girls in Germany don't wear hijab and don't object to swimming," this makes the court's decision even more important.

For too long, western fears have allowed specific interpretations of Islam to drive its antipathy towards Muslims in general.

The obsession over the face veil's place in western society is taking place at the expense of a vital conversation that needs to be had both on the role and expression of modesty within Islam itself, and on the obligation for children to follow the beliefs of their parents.

The only winners in this scenario are those with the most hard-line interpretations of the religion who seek to monopolise what it means to be Muslim, and the xenophobic elements of western society determined to tar all Muslims with the same brush.

*name changed