
The vision that foreshadowed Nicole Kidman's emotional role in Lion

There was an immediate personal connection when Nicole Kidman read the script for the acclaimed Australian film Lion.

Like Sue Brierley, the Tasmanian woman she would quickly commit to playing in the emotional drama, the Oscar-winning actress had a vision that she would adopt a brown-skinned child one day. And for both, it turned out to be true.

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A five-year-old Indian boy is adopted by a couple in Australia; 25 years later, he sets out to find his lost family.

In the film, Sue relates a powerful experience when she was a 12-year-old girl, escaping from her drunken father out the back of the house. "I felt this kind of electric current, electric shock, jolt through me," she says. "And there was a little brown-skinned boy across that field. I couldn't even tell if it was just my eyes playing tricks. And then he was beside me. Just standing there. And I sensed it so strongly. I could feel his warmth."

As an adult, Sue and husband John (played by David Wenham​) adopted two boys from India – Saroo​ then Mantosh​. The film tells the story of how the adult Saroo (Dev Patel) tracks down his birth mother in India using Google Earth 25 years after he was lost at a railway station.

"Hers happened when she was very young," Kidman says of Sue's vision. "Mine was more just a sensation that I was always going to adopt a child. And I always thought one of them would be a brown-skinned child. I always just felt it was my destiny to adopt. Whether I was going to give birth to a child or not was a whole different scenario. But I always felt that was part of my destiny."

In a private life that has been widely chronicled in gossip columns, Kidman and then husband Tom Cruise adopted two children, daughter Bella and son Connor. She has since had two daughters, Sunday and Faith, with husband Keith Urban.


There is another aspect of adoption the two women share as well. Sue has to deal with a splintering family as Saroo becomes obsessed with tracking down his mother and Mantosh (Divian Ladwa​) struggles with drink and drugs. "I always thought that I could keep this family together," she says in the film. When Kidman's marriage to Cruise broke up, there were reports the so-called church of Scientology turned her children against her.

"The same things that Sue talks about are probably the same things I've experienced, in terms of having a vision and adopting a child and never wavering off that desire to adopt," Kidman says. "They were the core things that she and I, from the minute we met, connected on.

"When I read the script, that's what I responded to initially. I believe in that unconditional love that children deserve and that's something I just haven't had a chance to ever put on screen … just good love, unconditional love, that maternal force that's very, very deep in a lot of women I know.

"And the stoicism. I like the mix of it. I was raised probably by stoics. My parents have a lot of stoicism in them, as I think a lot of Australians do."

When Garth Davis' film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September, a wave of acclaim began for the emotional drama and the striking performances in it. Both Kidman and Patel have since been nominated for the Golden Globes and Screen Actors Guild Awards and are widely tipped to land Oscar nominations. It would be Kidman's fourth: following Moulin Rouge (2002), winning for The Hours (2003) and Rabbit Hole (2011).

The film was also up for best motion picture drama at the Golden Globes - Moonlight won from a strong field - and is widely expected to be nominated for best picture at the Oscars.

When Kidman's agent sent her the script in New York, her first reaction was that she could not believe it was a true story. After learning more about Saroo's quest, she met Davis, who was also, by chance, in New York. They had a long conversation which involved both laughing and crying.

"We have a lot of things in common," Kidman says. "Sprinkled in there were things to do with the movie but a lot of it was just us talking. We [share] things to do with our fathers and how we view the world and what we believe. We're just very simpatico in that regard. It was nice."

Kidman agreed to return home to shoot the film.

"I loved that it was a supporting role," she says. "I loved also that it was this woman, Sue, who I've started to get to know really well. I loved the idea of doing something that I've never done before."

Producer Emile Sherman, who won best picture at the Oscars with The King's Speech, says Kidman brought depths to the character that were not apparent on the page.

"Nicole grabbed onto it so intensely," he says. "It obviously connected with her personally. She was able to access the essence of the real Sue. There's a warmth and maternal intensity as well as a fragility there in a woman who's trying to hold her family together."

But with a first-time film director – Davis was best-known for making commercials and the first series of Top of the Lake – Lion could have been a risky venture given its success required an exceptional performance by an actor playing five-year-old Saroo during the first hour. As it turns out, newcomer Sunny Pawar​ delivered that performance.

Kidman says she never considers the roles she chooses gambles.

"They're opportunities to explore," she says. "I don't think of the consequences; it's a virtue and a flaw in my personality. I probably don't map things out. I don't have a strategy. I don't really have anyone that guides me or tells me what I should be doing or how I should be doing it. I've got people around me but I'm probably just extremely spontaneous. I've been that even in my personal life."

Kidman says everything she has done in her 49 years has been spontaneous.

"I've moved places. I've married people. I've changed. I've gone here. I've done that. I've adopted children. I've had birth children. I've had surrogate children. I'm such a mish-mash of experiences but I've always been curious.

"I'm still incredibly curious and alive and, as my husband says, awake. He always says 'you're very awake, Nicole'."

How often do the bold choices Kidman takes not work out?

"I suppose I don't really judge how often they work out," she says. "I'm just on the ride half the time. A lot of my decisions are not based on the result of it; they're just the process an the idea of exploring things.

"And it's always up for discussion whether things work or not. What someone deems really good, others may not. Artistically, things have worked out in terms of nominations for this film and that's fantastic. But there are other films I've been in that I think are fantastic that haven't got any of that. And there have been others that have got them that I don't think are fantastic."

So what is Kidman exploring in her roles?

"Examining why we're all here – life, death, everything in between," she says. "Pain, joy, connecting, partners, love, the ability to sustain it then to lose it then to navigate losing it. Then to pull yourself together. And why. You name it. I'm exploring that trajectory that we're all on."

Kidman says that, like many people, her life has been filled with extreme ups and downs.

"The one thing that seems to have accented my life is the suddenness of losing people. I've had that probably more when I speak to other people. I've had different experiences with that but I've had times when lives had been taken out of my life very suddenly."

Kidman rattles through a list of names: director Stanley Kubrick, who died just days after finishing Eyes Wide Shut with her and Cruise in 1999. Her make-up artist Robert McCann, who died in 2005. Her father, Antony Kidman, who died in 2014. Her sister's ex-husband, Angus Hawley, who died in 2015.

"Just getting those phone calls has probably left me with some residual kind of trauma and [a sense of] how it's all so fragile," Kidman says. "The stability of it all is so kind of …

She shivers.

"I wouldn't say my feet feel are firmly planted on the earth because I've seen it move. But that's not a bad thing in a way."

Since her Oscar-nominated performance in Rabbit Hole, Kidman has had a hit with the family charmer Paddington and, in this country, the drama The Railway Man. But other films have been more adventurous with only mixed results, including Lee Daniels' The Paperboy, Werner Herzog's Queen of the Desert, Olivier Dahan's​ Grace Of Monaco and Chan-wook Park's Stoker.  

With five strong-sounding projects now heading for screen, Kidman now seems to be happily thriving in both her work and private life. She has shot two television series: in the US, Big Little Lies, based on Australian novelist Liane Moriarty's popular book; and, in Australia, the second series of the Australian drama Top of the Lake. And heading for cinemas are the sci-fi comedy How To Talk To Girls, about London punks vs aliens; Sofia Coppola's​ western The Beguiled; and Yorgos Lanthimos' drama The Killing of a Sacred Deer.

"I'm probably not the person to meet at a party and shake a hundred hands," Kidman says. "I'd be a terrible politician. That's not me at my best. I'm best when I'm working and dealing with deep subject matter or I'm best when I'm talking to people that have some knowledge and are willing to discuss things that I find interesting and important."

And, yes, things are working out in her private life.

"I'm in a very good deep relationship with my husband and I have that same intimacy with my children and I'm very close to my family and the friends I have. And they're not fly by night relationships or anything. They're long … that's ultimately what I'm interested in: friendships and people and understanding and trying to stay present in the world."

Kidman is not surprised by Saroo's obsession to find his birth mother even though he had a strong family and supportive girlfriend (played by Rooney Mara) in Tasmania.

"You're not the biological parent," she says. "So there is always the sense that the child will go and seek the biological parent. It's something that's always brought up when you're counselling for the adoption. It's part of the trajectory of adoption.

"[Sue's] support for that Luke [Davies] puts beautifully in the screenplay when he has her holding Saroo's face and saying 'I can't wait for her to see how beautiful you are.' That's exquisite writing because that's love."

Lion opens on January 19.