Small Business

What's stopping venturers taking the leap of faith?

Helping budding entrepreneurs to launch and commit is a big issue for Australia

There is plenty of advice for emerging entrepreneurs on how to build a fast-growth venture. But the real issue is not going from zero to 100 in high-growth ventures; it's about going from zero to one and being prepared to take the leap into entrepreneurship.

In cricket parlance, it's having the guts to face the first ball and the skill to get off the mark. The big score, if it happens, usually comes after years of persistence, experience and resilience. Successful entrepreneurs are rare.

Leap of faith: We need to improve safety nets for entrepreneurs.
Leap of faith: We need to improve safety nets for entrepreneurs. Photo: John Lund

Too many potential entrepreneurs give up before they start. At university, I taught hundreds of students who had terrific business ideas. The students were talented, motivated and capable of finding the resources to launch a venture. But hardly any did; their good ideas went nowhere.

Perhaps the students had other study or career goals. My sense is that most of them, when the time came to risk it all, lacked the confidence to start a business.

Helping budding entrepreneurs launch their first venture, and commit to fast-growth for-profit or social ventures is a big issue if Australia is to fulfil its ambition to become more innovative and a launch pad for high-growth ventures in Asia-Pacific.

We don't know enough about what stops prospective entrepreneurs taking the leap and going from zero to one: the point at which they have proof of concept and enough traction in their venture to begin scaling the opportunity.


Entrepreneurship enthusiasts will point to Australia's seemingly high rates of start-up business activity. Australia had 2.3 million early-stage entrepreneurs and 13 per cent of our adult population pursued this activity, found the 2014 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM).

That puts Australia's start-up activity on par with the United States and among the world's highest. On that basis, Australia has few problems encouraging venture creation, but GEM's methodology picks up small businesses, many of which are not entrepreneurial.

Others will point to Australia's flourishing entrepreneurship ecosystem and the boom in young people pursuing ventures. Lots of good things are happening, but GEM reported that entrepreneurial intentions to start a business within three years in Australia had fallen from 12 per cent in 2011 to 10 per cent in 2014, going against global trends.

We risk extrapolating growth in small pockets of venture activity, such as inner-city co-working spaces or university campuses, to the national entrepreneurship scene. Or over-hyping entrepreneurship and believing every Australian state/territory/region/local council/university will be the next Silicon Valley of Asia-Pacific.

We need stronger empirical evidence on how many Australians intend to start an entrepreneurial fast-growth venture – not a small business, for they are different things – and whether they follow through on that goal. And if not, why?

In years past, capital was the biggest obstacle. It still is today for many ventures, particularly those with high fixed costs. For others, it has never been cheaper, easier or faster to launch a digital venture, yet many budding owners still avoid it.

Here are some questions to consider about those who resist taking the leap:

Could education be the problem?

I'm a great believer in entrepreneurship education and training, but too much of it can deter people from launching ventures. Sometimes you just need to take a swing, back your talent and learn on the go; not obsess about what can go right or wrong, or overplan things.

Is entrepreneurship being taught in the right place?

Australian universities should be commended for boosting their entrepreneurship education and innovation networks across campus. But it could be more effective to teach entrepreneurship through vocational educational providers, such as TAFEs, and focus much more on the nuts and bolts of starting and running a venture, rather than broader entrepreneurship concepts.

Are we teaching entrepreneurship in the wrong part of universities?

I have long argued that entrepreneurship education should be expanded to all university faculties, not only taught with business. In some ways, business schools could be the worst place to teach entrepreneurship as a "mind-set".

Is the timing of entrepreneurship education the problem?

Nothing beats experience in business, so why don't we do more to help young entrepreneurs get up the "experience curve" much faster by starting ventures earlier and learning from experienced business owners. This happens through incubators and more work is needed.

Do budding entrepreneurs lack resilience?

So much business media/education/training is focused on entrepreneurial success. Rarely do we teach budding entrepreneurs how to "fail" – fast, ethically and so that their recovery is faster – if venture failure is unavoidable. A poor understanding of failure and how it makes ventures stronger might stop prospective entrepreneurs taking the leap.

Are incentives structured correctly?

Federal or state grants to help exporters and other established business are needed. But could incentives – taxation, grants, loans and other financial support – be better targeted at ventures in the early part of their journey?

For example, free rent (not just subsidised rent) for eligible businesses at government-backed co-working spaces. Or tax concessions that are tied to the venture's sales, similar to arrangements in the United States where high-growth ventures get a rebate of 4 to 6 per cent back of the total value they sell to government.

Using the student loan system to provide basic funding for start-ups, linked to a university course and guidance, is another option. Plenty of US universities require students to start a venture as part of their course, so why not allow Australian students to borrow a small amount (say, $5000) to launch a start-up as part of their course requirement?

Are entrepreneurship success stories turning others away?

Heaven knows, we need more case studies that sensibly promote entrepreneurs and showcase successful business owners, particularly younger ones. They will do more to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs than any university course or media commentator.

But too many of these stories lack balance, glorify entrepreneurs and sometimes make entrepreneurship feel overly daunting and out-of-reach for mere mortals. More stories on entrepreneurial failure and recovery – and the self-doubts that successful owners had and overcame – would go a long way to helping others take the leap.
