Small Business

Innovation isn't just for inner-city hipsters

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull should reboot his innovation agenda by focusing on regional entrepreneurship, local government collaboration and small business.

He should squash fanciful notions of innovation as something mostly for inner-city hipsters who try to build the next great app while drinking soy lattes at trendy warehouses. That vision of innovation is too narrow and will never create many jobs.

Building the next great app is one thing, but it will never create large numbers of jobs.
Building the next great app is one thing, but it will never create large numbers of jobs.  Photo: iStock

Instead, Turnbull should sell innovation as a tool to address today's problems: job losses in manufacturing and mining, high youth unemployment and stagnating regional economies, for example. A vision of innovation that is real, relatable and delivers early results.

It's no wonder the current innovation agenda failed to resonate in the electorate. It was too focused on technology, new ventures, capital cities and the digital economy – an overhyped vision of innovation that has little meaning in struggling areas.

We must stop talking about innovation as mostly about new technologies, and start seeing innovation as a process to bring groups together, encourage collaboration and creativity, and link emerging enterprises with established industries.

Innovation is not just about start-ups. A far bigger prize is using innovation systems to invigorate small and medium-size enterprises.


Let's balance this capital-city version of innovation with policy that: 

  • Helps develop vibrant regional entrepreneurship ecosystems that create thriving clusters of new and established business activity in country areas
  • Presents innovation as a process to help regional economies transition from the decline in manufacturing and other traditional industries, to higher-growth sectors
  • Creates the option of self-employment for young people in regional areas who cannot find full-time work
  • Reverses the brain drain in some regional areas as bright young 20-somethings are forced to move to capital cities to start ventures or work for others
  • Makes regional areas great places to live AND work, creating social inclusion for young people and more harmonious communities
  • Has real benefits for capital cities. Creating vibrant regional innovation hubs could encourage urban entrepreneurs to move to areas that are close to capital cities. That would help de-centralise population growth away from capital cities, as regional businesses grow and create jobs
  • Helps develop a stronger national entrepreneurship ecosystem by giving start-ups that are struggling with scarce resources greater options to work in lower-cost regional areas.

Turnbull should champion local government's role in any regional entrepreneurship policy.

I have criticised local government over the years for being slow to recognise the potential of entrepreneurship in their communities. Too many councils have had token, outdated approaches that are more about micro lifestyle businesses than growth ventures.

That is rapidly changing. Having interviewed dozens of councils in the past two years, I am blown away at the sector's initiatives in entrepreneurship.

Councils in Ipswich, the Sunshine Coast, the northern suburbs of Adelaide and north Queensland, to name a few, understand innovation's potential to invigorate their economies.

They are implementing smart-city technologies, planning and processes; launching co-working spaces for start-ups; and creating entrepreneurship ecosystems.

Other councils should follow their lead and federal and state governments can help by framing a co-ordinated agenda – and funding – for regional innovation and entrepreneurship. An agenda that aims to create two or three regional innovation hotspots in each state or territory that link to capital-city entrepreneurship ecosystems.

Governments would get a good return on this investment. Even simple, low-cost co-working spaces for start-up ventures are making a difference in some regional cities.

Having encouraged starts-ups to form and collaborate in co-working spaces, councils could provide support through accelerator and incubator services for the best ventures.

They could link the start-up ecosystem in their city with the local university, TAFE and established businesses. As the ecosystem grows, it could split into niches based on the region's industry strengths. A cluster of medical device start-ups, for example, forming in an area that is strong in healthcare.

Councils could even disrupt the financing of start-ups if they thought differently. For example, a Mayoral Crowdfunding platform where residents fund local ventures (London has one for civic ventures). Or council-led venture capital funds to provide micro-finance to start-ups in their area and perhaps take equity in some. Radical thinking, I know.

Special concessions for regional start-ups is another opportunity: low or no council rates for a certain period, heavily discounted or free co-working space, subsidised travel to be part of council-led missions to meet investors and promote start-ups.

The real opportunity is linking bright young regional start-ups with established businesses.

How can tech start-ups in northern Adelaide, an area with higher unemployment as car manufacturing ends, link with wine producers in the state? How can councils create collisions of innovation between the new and old that drive entrepreneurship?

There's never been a better time. The National Broadband Network's rollout is creating more opportunity for regional innovation in a global economy. And we have a new Federal Minister for Small Business in the Nationals' MP, Michael McCormack. A Small Business Minister with country connections could be an inspired choice.

Surely, a stronger focus on co-ordinated regional innovation is good policy AND politics.

Heaven knows, the federal government needs greater cut-through in regional areas and outer capital-city suburbs that are struggling with unemployment and wage growth stagnation – areas that can benefit so much from innovation if only it is explained and implemented property.

Minister McCormack should push for a national summit on regional entrepreneurship. He could encourage more councils to upgrade their thinking and skills in this area, and get councils working together to create jobs.

Yes, my vision of regional innovation is not as trendy as the inner-city view of tech start-ups.

Nor does it imply that capital-city entrepreneurship ecosystems are any less important or that regional innovation is the only solution in jobs creation.

Rather, it argues that market failures in developing entrepreneurship ecosystems are most pronounced in regional areas, and that many country cities and towns have the most urgent need to develop new industries or invigorate old ones as the new economy unfolds.

Over to you, Minister McCormack.

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