Disability doesn't mean entrepreneurial inability

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This was published 8 years ago

Disability doesn't mean entrepreneurial inability

By Tony Featherstone

Entrepreneurship might seem an unlikely pursuit for Australians with disability. But greater focus on self-employment can transform disability into ability, boost income security and social inclusion, and increase labour market participation.

The federal government's National Disability Employment Framework consultation process, while mostly commendable, does not mention entrepreneurship. The main focus is on working closer with enterprises to create jobs for those with disabilities.

Stereotypes about the capacity of those with a disability to start and run a business are not backed by evidence.

Stereotypes about the capacity of those with a disability to start and run a business are not backed by evidence.

There should be some focus on helping those with disabilities create their job through self-employment. Or better still, provide support for some with disabilities to launch high-growth ventures, employ others, and create wealth for themselves and the community.

What's your view?

  • Should governments help more people with disability into self-employment?
  • Can entrepreneurship and self-employment create higher labour-market participation rates for those with disability?

This is about more than helping people with disability. As the population ages, labour force participation rates will decline, leaving fewer taxpayers to fund government services. Policy that encourages more people into the workforce – from those with disabilities to the aged, migrants and other sections of community – must be a priority.

The labour force participation rate for people with a disability has barely changed over the past 20 years, says the Australian Human Rights Commission. It was 52.8 per cent in 2012, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), compared to an 82.5 per cent rate for those without disability. That's a damning statistic for the 4.2 million Australians who reported a disability in 2012.

Australia ranked 21st out of 29 OECD nations on its labour force participation rate for those with disabilities, according to a 2010 OECD study. About 45 per cent of all Australians with a disability live in poverty, according to a 2011 PwC study.

La Trobe University Chairman in Entrepreneurship, Professor Alex Maritz, says more nations are recognising the opportunities for higher labour-force participation for those with disability, through self-employment and entrepreneurship.


Maritz is a leading Australian entrepreneurship academic and a global expert in "seniorpreneurship" – where older people start businesses.

"Australia needs to utilise its strength in entrepreneurship to address the significant employment challenge for those with disabilities," he says, adding that entrepreneurship may lead to a breaking down of barriers faced by people with disabilities.

"It can provide them with opportunities that traditionally are viewed as not possible or unattainable, given the constraints of finding employment," Maritz says. "A discussion on entrepreneurship for the disabled should be considered an opportunity for Australia."

Maritz and Richard Laferriere have written a paper, Entrepreneurship and self-employment for people with disabilities, to be published in the Australian Journal of Career Development. The research is the first of its kind in Australia.

Maritz says international evidence shows targeted, inclusive entrepreneurship initiatives, such as training and support programs, can help people with disabilities participate in self-employment.

The United States, Britain, Europe and South Korea have recognised the opportunity that entrepreneurship provides to people with disability, he says. Like Australia, these countries have low employment participation rates among those with disabilities.

Granted, entrepreneurship is only a small part of the employment challenge and probably only suits a small fraction of those with physical or mental disabilities. The same is true of the population without disability: successful entrepreneurs, with or without disability, are rare.

However, there is enough evidence to suggest self-employment can make a difference and become one of several policy levers to help more people with disabilities into the workforce.

People with a disability are more likely to run a business than those without a disability, according to 2013 ABS data (11.6 per cent and 8.2 per cent respectively). US and European studies report similar findings. Clearly, stereotypes about the capacity of those with a disability to start and run a business are not backed by evidence.

Maritz cites US research showing the characteristics inherent in those with disabilities are well suited to entrepreneurship. These include creative problem-solving skills, flexibility, grace under pressure, persistence, a sense of humour, willingness to ask for help and resourcefulness.

I would add resilience, the greatest of entrepreneurial qualities, to that list.

Some with disabilities may be "pulled" into self-employment because it is their best chance for a job. They see self-employment as a way to overcome real or perceived job discrimination in some organisations.

Or they pursue self-employment to improve their independence and work/life balance, and increase their happiness and satisfaction – not unlike many without a disability who see the professional and personal benefits of entrepreneurship.

Australia has much to build on in this area – if only policymakers can get their head around entrepreneurship's potential to help people with disabilities.

The federal government's New Enterprise Incentive Scheme allows people with disabilities to access training and support services through the Disability Employment Service and has had some reasonable success. The National Disability Employment Framework consultation is a step in the right direction, as are recent summits on employment and disability.

Maritz says policymakers should raise awareness about the potential for self-employment and entrepreneurship for those with disabilities. They should also expand access to existing small-business training programs in formats that accommodate those with disabilities or lower education levels.

Specialised mentoring and support, better access to technology and greater financial support would also benefit current and aspiring business owners with disabilities. "Less work experience, education and savings compared to all entrepreneurs creates an obvious barrier for the individual (with disabilities) to access capital and financial support," says Maritz.

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