Square launching APIs feature for online payments

Square Australia country manager Ben Pfisterer says the business made a promise to SMEs to keep innovating.
Square Australia country manager Ben Pfisterer says the business made a promise to SMEs to keep innovating. Peter Braig

Payment devices company Square is expanding into online payments in Australia, but local businesses are still unable to access many of the $US5 billion ($6.7 billion) company's technologies that are available in the US.

The new Square APIs (application programming interfaces) will allow small companies to establish an online business quickly and use Square to process online payments. It also integrates with popular website building companies such as WooCommerce, Bigcommerce, Weebly and Ecwid.

The move positions Square as a competitor to companies such as Stripe, Braintree and Pin Payments that are also operating in the local market.

Square Australia country manager Ben Pfisterer said when the company had expanded to Australia, it had made a commitment to local small to medium enterprises to keep innovating.

Square Australia country manager Ben Pfisterer is expanding the company's product suite in Australia.
Square Australia country manager Ben Pfisterer is expanding the company's product suite in Australia. Jesse Marlow

"We know a lot of small businesses were increasingly operating online, so it seemed like an essential step for us," he said.

"We often get pigeon-holed as competitors to various products. While we now process transactions online, we see our offering as being different. We see ourselves as a payments platform, and this is just one component of it ... We think we have a more comprehensive, complete ecosystem."

New market

Square APIs is the 11th product to launch in Australia since the San Francisco-based business expanded to Australia in March last year.

In the US Square has 19 products, many of which are likely to be available locally over time. These other products include Square Payroll, Square Capital (small business loans) and Square appointments (scheduling and booking software).

Mr Pfisterer said the aim was to eventually be able to roll out products in Australia at the same time as the US, where Square APIs have been available since March 2016.

"Australia is a relatively new market for Square, we only launched 10 months ago, so we didn't want to launch too many products or features at once," he said.

"The US has been live for almost eight years, so they have a more advanced product set, but in the future we hope to align."

Shortly after the company launched in Australia last year, its high-profile co-founder, Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey, made his first visit to the country to meet the company's early users of its flagship Square Reader device.

At the time the tech leader told The Australian Financial Review that being relatively late to the mobile payments market in Australia would not impact its long-term performance.

"I think there is still a market to be won here. We have learned time and time again that it is not important to be the first, it is important to be the best," he said.

"If you think back to a company like Apple, the iPod certainly wasn't the first MP3 player, but it was the best and it won out. We believe the best experience is really a cohesive experience, which ties in one ecosystem of services for sellers."

Cagey about user numbers

Since launching locally, the company has remained cagey about its user numbers, but Mr Pfisterer has said it is "seeing strong growth".

The company's Melbourne-based team has also grown to 20, with the business committed to continuing to hire more staff.

Square listed on the NASDAQ in 2015 at $US9 a share, a price which was below its private-market valuation. But more than a year on the stock is trading around $US14.75 and the company has raised its revenue and profits targets ahead of its 2016 full-year results.

For the nine months ending September 30, 2016, the company's revenue was up 41 per cent on the previous corresponding period to $US1.3 billion ($1.73 billion).

About 80 per cent of Square's users in Australia started out without having a traditional card terminal, a fact Mr Pfisterer said shows small and micro businesses are an "under-served segment" of the market.

"Growth is coming through segments like health, beauty, trades and then also professional services," he said.

"But we're also starting to see Square used more in traditional businesses in innovative ways, like at pop-up shops or for queue busting."