New Oracle boss kicks off hiring spree as the company bets its future on cloud

Looking to the cloud ... Oracle's new Australia and New Zealand MD Rob Willis is looking to increase sales staff numbers.
Looking to the cloud ... Oracle's new Australia and New Zealand MD Rob Willis is looking to increase sales staff numbers. Ben Rushton

The new managing director of technology giant Oracle's Australia and New Zealand operations will kick off his stint in the top job by going on a hiring spree for a new sales division, which he said would be focused on encouraging local businesses on to its cloud computing offerings.

Former Citrix executive Rob Willis took over as Oracle's local boss at the start of November, and in his first interview in the role, he told The Australian Financial Review that his mission was to see that the company prevailed in the generational shift of enterprises to running their software and infrastructure in the cloud.

The hiring push will involve creating 200 new positions, which it is describing as "digital sales", with the recruits forming a new digital sales hub it is creating in its Australian headquarters in Sydney.  

Mr Willis said the new staff would be tasked with targeting mid-sized companies that were looking to move to the cloud and signing them on with Oracle. This would include both new and existing Oracle customers and would also include a customer support element to the work being conducted at the digital hub.

Mr Willis replaced previous local Oracle boss Tim Ebbeck, who resigned in June.
Mr Willis replaced previous local Oracle boss Tim Ebbeck, who resigned in June. Tamara Vononski

The move comes as Oracle, along with a number of established technology giants including SAP, IBM and Hewlett Packard Enterprise, are seeking to make a shift in their own businesses to thrive in a cloud-led world that is increasingly rejecting its old business model of on-premise infrastructure and long-term software licenses.

Globalised model

Earlier this year Oracle closed some local support centre operations, with the loss of 170 jobs, in favour of a globalised model, where support queries are handled from regional centres. Those particular roles moved to Manila, but the company said it has hired more people locally than were let go, and also created new cloud-focused support roles known as "customer success managers".

"My primary responsibility is to make sure that Oracle strategy for cloud and the customers is executed well in the ANZ markets, and the new people that we are going to hire will be focused on working with customers in a different way that the cloud enables," Mr Willis said.

"I agreed to join Oracle as the cloud is transforming enterprise computing, and that is something I am very excited to be a part of."

Mr Willis' words echoed that of company founder and executive chairman Larry Ellison, who told investors last week that Oracle would become much larger than before, and more profitable in the long run, once the transition to cloud computing was complete. 

Mr Willis also rejected the claims of companies such as fast growing cloud-native rival Workday, that Oracle had already missed the cloud boat, and was losing clients in droves to take up with "cloud native" companies.

Workday has already picked up deals from Qantas and Commonwealth Bank of Australia locally, and its Asia Pacific, Japan and EMEA region president Chano Fernandez recently told the Financial Review he believed the likes of Oracle and SAP were falling further behind, rather than catching up in cloud products.

Queensland-based TechnologyOne has also claimed that the move to the cloud had left Oracle clients ripe for the picking.

Critical factors for success

"I am particularly excited to be a part of something at Oracle because I think there are several critical factors for success in the cloud and Oracle has all of them," Mr Willis said.

"You need great software and the ability to develop great software, you need the financial muscle to invest in all of the infrastructure, such as data centres and all the software that makes up the cloud. Finally you need a good customer base that you can work with on that journey to the cloud … we have all of those."

Mr Willis said his first weeks in the job had included a huge number of meetings and travel in order to fully understand the scale of technology and clients under his purview. He replaced previous local Oracle boss Tim Ebbeck, who resigned in June. 

He said he viewed cloud as a way for Oracle to bring in new customers that had previously not been using Oracle software and services, due to the software as a service or platform as a service models, which require less upfront investment than in the past.

"Oracle is unique in the way it is approaching the cloud, it has all the different layers and that is a very unique position to be in as, for customers, the real value comes when you combine those layers together," Mr Willis said.