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Pauline Hanson warns One Nation's assault on WA will be bigger than predicted

Pauline Hanson has a stark warning for the major political parties in the lead up to the March state election: One Nation's assault in WA will be bigger than anyone predicted.

Political experts are predicting One Nation could pick up to as much as 11 per cent of the primary vote meaning the party could control the balance of power in the Upper House.

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Pauline Hanson on WA issues

Pauline Hanson is in Perth to discuss her views on what's best for Western Australia.

While Ms Hanson isn't expecting a Trump-style victory when WA goes to the polls in two months time, she told WAtoday the vote will be higher than political pundits predicted, with a lot of "sleeper voters" out in the WA electorate casting their vote for One Nation on the day.

One Nation is so confident of securing such a large chunk of the vote, it now believes it could secure as many as three Lower House seats.

Previously the party said it was content with winning a handful of seats in the Upper House.

"That's what happened in the last federal election and if you go back to 1998 Queensland election the polls were saying about 13 per cent when we actually polled just under 23 per cent," Ms Hanson told WAtoday over a coffee in East Perth. 


"So there are a lot of sleepers out there. So don't treat us like mushrooms... we want accountability and integrity."

Ms Hanson, who is in Perth on Thursday to announce up to 60 candidates to run in the March election, said the party had lost the "tag" as just another "right wing party".

"A lot more people are coming out and saying they are going to support One Nation," she said.

"Back 20 years ago it was 'we were too much of a right wing party' and I think that tag has been lost from One Nation.

"We have gained more credibility because we have put up more polices. Even the leaders like Colin Barnett and Malcolm Turnbull say we have more centre policies. The thing is, my policies have not changed over the years they have just been reported differently."

One Nation Party veteran Colin Tincknell said the Liberal Party was scrambling to stitch up deals with the party because it feared it was going to lose the election.

"They have come to us because they want our preferences, because they think they are going to lose this election," he said.

"But we have said to them we are not going to choose you or choose Labor.

"We've had discussion with 20 different independents.

"Realistically we will pick two or three seats in the Lower House and up to five in the Upper House.

"But that will be the first time ever that One Nation would have won a lower house seat in WA."

Given the short and controversial political career of former One Nation WA senator Rod Culleton, Ms Hanson said she personally vetted candidates selected to run in the March election.

"I want to ensure people here I will not throw someone into a seat purely to have candidates in that seat," she said.

"If they are not up to doing the job they won't be selected and that's my opinion right across the country."

Ms Hanson, who claims to have more social media followers than Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and federal opposition leader Bill Shorten, said WA Premier Colin Barnett had to make a "stance" on the burqa for fear of losing conservative voters to One Nation.

Mr Barnett said on Wednesday while he would not legislate to ban the burqa in WA, he "encouraged" Muslims not to wear it in public because "it's not part of our culture".

"People just want equality... I think we've got to have equality here you just have someone covered in a burqa walking into a bank," Ms Hanson said.

"There is not identification whatsoever.

"Multiculturalism is destroying the real Aussie spirit in the states".

University of WA political scientist William Bowe said it would tough for One Nation to win seats in the Lower House.

"The Nationals have presumably done a good job of courting disaffection in regional areas that might otherwise stand to benefit them," he said.

"But the fact of them scooping up at least 10 per cent of the vote makes life a lot more complicated for Labor, particularly if there's a preference deal with the Liberals.

"I don't think that should be overstated – they don't have the base of volunteers to get how-to-vote cards in the hands of voters in every polling booth like the major parties do – but a share of the anti-government vote that might otherwise have gone straight to Labor will be picked up by One Nation instead, and a lot of it will filter back to the Liberals as preferences."