All the important behavioural advertising terms explained.

jargon buster_small Advertising Network

Entities that connect advertisers to Websites that they want to host advertisements, otherwise known as: ad network.

jargon buster_small Associated

Entities will be “Associated” in this Guideline if they are Associated Entities within the meaning of s50AAA of the Corporations Act (Cth) 2001

jargon buster_small Associated Website

A Website that is owned by a Company or Associated Entity.

jargon buster_small Cookie

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers downloaded on to your computer when you access certain websites. Cookies allow a website to recognise a user’s computer. A cookie itself does not contain or collect information. Cookies are used in behavioural advertising to identify users who share a particular interest so that they can be served more relevant adverts. Otherwise known as: HTTP cookie or browser cookie

jargon buster_small Contextual advertising

Is advertising that is targeted based on the content of the webpage being viewed, but does not include advertising targeted through the use of Third Party OBA. For example if a Web User goes to a travel webpage they are served an advertisement for luggage or travel insurance. Contextual advertising can also occur for searches through Search Engines. For example if a consumer searches on travel on a Search Engine and the results displayed include a travel advertisement.

jargon buster_small   Display Advertising

Graphical adverts displayed when users visit a particular website. These are usually in the form of ‘banners’ or a video. Otherwise known as: web banners or banner advertising

jargon buster_small Entity

An entity that handles, collects or uses OBA Data.

jargon buster_small Geo-targeting

Means the serving of content or advertising specific to the geographic location of the server through which the IP address is served.

jargon buster_small Online behavioural advertising (or OBA)

The collection and use of OBA Data to serve advertising based on pre-defined interest categories. No Personal Information is collected or used for OBA. OBA does not include Contextual Advertising (based on the subject-matter of the web page on which the advertisement is served), customer profile advertising (based on the personal information of an individual user) or Geo-targeting.

jargon buster_small OBA Data

Data on web browsing activity of an internet-enabled device which allows the device to be added to one or more pre-defined interest categories.

jargon buster_small Personal Information

This is information that, either by itself or in conjunction with other information, can uniquely identify an individual. Examples of personally identifiable information include a name, street address, email address or telephone number but can also include attitudes and preferences. Personal Information is defined in the Australian Privacy Act.

jargon buster_small Related Entities

Entities that a Web User would be reasonably likely to regard as closely related by product, branding or some other apparent way.

jargon buster_small Related Websites

A Website that is owned by a Related Entity.

jargon buster_small Retargeting

Is a form of online targeted advertising by which online advertising is delivered to consumers based on previous Internet actions that did not in the past result in a conversion to a transaction. Also known as behavioural search retargeting, remarketing or simply, retargeting.

jargon buster_small Search Engine

Is a software program that searches and retrieves data from the Internet based on a query by the Web User of the Internet enabled device.

jargon buster_small Signatories

Those companies that collect and use online data for behavioural advertising and have signed up to the Best Practice Guideline for Online Behavioural Advertising. Otherwise known as: signatory companies

Signatories have six months from the launch of the Best Practice Guideline to implement and comply with the requirements.

jargon buster_small Targeted Advertising

Advertising that is specifically aimed at a particular segment of users based on factors such as demographics or behaviour.  Otherwise known as: customised or personalised advertising

jargon buster_small Third Party OBA

OBA served to an Internet-enabled device on a Website based on the browsing history of the device on Websites that are not Associated Websites or Related Websites.

jargon buster_small URL

Uniform Resource Locator.

jargon buster_small Web browser

Software that retrieves and collects information resources and arranges and displays the results in a standardized form on an Internet enabled device. Examples include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Opera.

jargon buster_small Web User

A person using the Internet.

jargon buster_small Website

A collection of related web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that are addressed relative to a common URL, often consisting of only the domain name (or, in rare cases, the IP address) and the root path (‘/’) in an Internet Protocol-based network. A Website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network.
