While our point of difference is that we build profiles of the human beings behind our data – we also want to be very clear that every iota of data we discover is completely anonymized.

Eyeota 100% respects and promotes consumers’ rights to privacy. 0% of the data in our marketplace is personally identifiable information.

Our data collection is underpinned by clear processes and adherence to data privacy and protection regulations, which differ from country to country. We are endorsed by all local privacy bodies in each market we operate in.

Eyeota’s strict privacy requirements are:

  • We work only with non-personally identifiable information
  • Our data profiles are completely anonymous
  • Profiles only consist of descriptors such as age, gender, interest
  • Publishers are required to advise site visitors on how they intend to use their data

And we’re fully accredited by numerous data privacy associations:

  • European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) certified
  • Granted ePrivacy seal in Europe
  • Signatory to Your Online Choices
  • Compliant with IAB industry standards, as well as being an IAB member
  • Certified member of Network Advertising Initiative (NAI)
  • Certified member of Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA)
  • Certified member of Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (DAAC)


Your choices for opting out of Preference Data collection on desktop computers

Online users using desktop computers can opt-out from Eyeota’s Preference Data collection for Third Party Online Behavioral Advertising using any one of the following methods.

  • Using the opt-out tool provided at, a) for users in the USA, the Network Advertising Initiative’s site here, or the Digital Advertising Alliance’s site here, b) for users in Europe, the European Digital Advertising Alliance’s site here, and c) for users in Australia, the YourOnlineChoices Australia site here.
  • Changing your browser settings to block, delete and/or control the use of all third party cookies. Refer to your web browser’s Help documentation for more information for managing the use of cookies directly through the browser settings.
  • By clicking the Opt Out button towards the top of this page.

Online users have the choice of opting out via the Your Online Choices website or by managing browser cookies. The Opt-out tool downloads a browser cookie and will only work if your browser is set to accept third-party cookies.

The opt-out tool and cookie management via the browsers is specific to each computer and each version and each type of browser. If an opt-out cookie is deleted from the browser’s cookie files or if a different computer, browser version and/or browser type is used, the user will need to repeat the opt-out process.

Blocking or deleting third-party cookies from the browser may prevent the customized user experience on most websites. Additionally this will not prevent all online behavioral advertising as the users will continue to receive advertisements that are not related to browsing of third party websites and/or targeted or relevant to the website visitor. The life span of our opt-out function is 5 years if our opt-out cookie it is not deleted from the users’ browser.

If you would like to opt-out of advertising from Videology, one of Eyeota's partners, you can do so by either using the Your Online Choices opt-out tool www.youronlinechoices.com or the direct opt-out from Videology's website www.videologygroup.com/learn-about-interest-based-ads-opt-out/.

Your choices for opting out of Preference Data collection on mobile and tablet devices

Online users using mobile or tablet devices can opt-out from Eyeota’s Preference Data collection for Third Party Online Behavioral Advertising using any one of the following methods.

iOS Device

iOS 7 or Higher: Go to your Settings > Select Privacy > Select Advertising > Enable the "Limit Ad Tracking" setting

iOS 6: Go to your Settings >Select General > Select About > Select Advertising > Enable the "Limit Ads Tracking" setting

More information about the iOS setting can be found here.

Android Device

For Android devices with OS 2.2 and up and Google Play Services version 4.0 and up: Open your Google Settings app > Ads > Enable "Opt out of interest-based advertising" If you've turned on Limit Ad Tracking on your iOS device or the Opt out of interest-based ads on your Android device, you can restore interest-based ads by turning the settings off.

When you opt out, you will still see adverts on your mobile or tablet device; however, these adverts may be less relevant because they won't be based on your interests.


Eyeota Pte Ltd (“Eyeota”), owner of www.eyeota.com, operates an online data marketplace and related service to enable our partners and customers such as publishers and advertisers, to deliver targeted and relevant content to their users. Our services include the collection and use of anonymous demographic and customer preferences via customer’s and partner’s websites. The data collected is used anonymously to influence the types of advertising and marketing messages, and content, that is displayed to a user.

Scope of our Privacy Policy

Eyeota respects and promotes consumers’ rights to privacy and is committed to protecting users’ privacy. This Privacy Policy applies to our website www.eyeota.com, the Eyeota online data marketplace, and our related segmentation and data management services. Our policy is intended to provide consumers with a comprehensive understanding about the information that we collect and how we use and share user’s non-personally identifiable data. Additionally, it aims to inform users of the choices available with respect to the collection and use of data for online behavioral advertising practices across multiple unrelated websites.

Our policy is compliant with the EDAA Self Regulating Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising. Eyeota is a licensee of the TRUSTe Web Privacy Seal Program. TRUSTe is an independent organization whose mission is to build user’s trust and confidence in the Internet by promoting the use of fair information practices.

Our Services

Eyeota collects, organizes and shares only non-personally identifiable information (non PII) about users as received as non PII from website owners, application owners and other third-party data sources. This information is related to demographic, behavioral, and usage patterns of non-identifiable persons, collectively referred to as “Preference Data”. This data reflects users’ interactions with websites, applications and other online properties and offline businesses operated by participating companies and other third parties. The Preference Data is analyzed to define groups and to group users based on factors such as geography, gender, age, interests and online actions into segments. These segments are used by our partners such as online marketers and advertisers to deliver relevant and specific marketing messages or adverts (interest-based advertising), for the delivery of content to online users and for reporting activities. Eyeota also works with third parties with regard to cross-device data collection and aggregation for the purposes of providing a more holistic view for marketers across multiple related devices, and a more unified advertising experience for the users of such devices. Our partners are not authorized to resell our Preference Data or any related information. Additionally, our partners are required to comply with our Privacy Policy in relation to online behavioral advertising practices across multiple unrelated websites. Additionally, they are required to provide online users the ability to opt-out from online behavioral advertising across multiple unrelated websites.

Preference Data is also collected for internal reporting, industry reporting, and market research to obtain a better understanding online user behavior, interests and other business purposes.

How we collect information

We use online technologies such as ‘cookies’, ‘mobile device identifiers’, ‘pixel tags’, server-to-server connections and secure data transfers with our partners to collect and store Preference Data. We do not use ‘flash cookies’ or any other embedded tracking mechanisms.

Cookies are very small files or pieces of information that are sent by a website’s server or third parties, to a user’s browser, when the user visits a website. They are stored as text files on the user’s hard drive, to uniquely identify a browser. These cookies and be accessed by web servers when the user returns to a website.

A cookie file can contain information such as a user ID that is used to track the pages viewed on a website. Cookies do not capture personally identifiable information and cannot access any other data on a user’s hard drive or read cookie files created by other websites.

The use of cookies is an industry standard on most websites, with most browsers being set up to accept them by default. The default browser setting may be changed to notify a web user when a cookie is sent or to prevent cookies from being placed on the user’s hard drive. Websites use cookies to allow visitors to navigate easily, causing some websites or pages to not function properly if the cookies associated with them are rejected. Since cookies are unique to each browser on the user’s computer, changing computers or browsers, using multiple computers or browsers will require changes to each computer and each browser setting. The mechanism to control browser settings for managing cookies varies by browser. For information on managing cookies, check your browser’s help file. Eyeota cookies are stored for targeting for 1 year.

Pixel tags are small transparent images or invisible tags that are embedded on a web page, emails and other documents but not on the user’s computer. They are used by website operators or third parties, serving the tag, to convey viewer data to a user’s browser or to a web operator’s log files. When a user visits a website, the pixel tag generates a notice of the visit. Pixel tags work in conjunction with cookies and may instruct the user’s browser to update the cookie associated with that pixel when a particular computer visits a particular page.

Pixel tags can be used to collect information about a user’s visit to a website, including the pages viewed, the features used and other actions taken in connection with the site. This information may include but is not limited to the browser type, operating system, date and time information and other technical information about the user’s computer. It may also be used to track certain information about the identity of the website visited immediately before coming to a website. A pixel does not allow updating of cookies or tracking of any information in relation to other websites.

Most browsers are set up initially to accept pixel tags. However, if a browser is set to reject cookies, or cookies associated with a pixel tag are deleted, the pixel tag will simply detect an anonymous website visit.

Eyeota collects Preference Data over time from cookies associated with pixel tags that have been placed on partner websites.

Server-to-server connections are direct technical connections and integrations with Eyeota and a technology partner whereby Eyeota may obtain data from other online and offline third-party sources through various secure information transfer methods. No PII is transferred to Eyeota through these server-to-server connections.

Secure data transfers are encrypted methods of transferring data containing Preference Data (including Preference Data coming from offline data sources) from third parties to Eyeota. No PII is transferred to Eyeota through these secure data transfers.

Additionally Eyeota may combine its own Preference Data with that obtained from third-party sources.

The information we collect

The anonymous information collected using cookies and pixel tags include items such as the date and time the user visited the website, number of visits, average time spent, operating system, browser information (version, type). Other information includes age and gender, browsing and purchasing behavior, the types of products purchased, information submitted on order forms and website registrations and interests expressed or implied at social networking sites or other Websites visited.

Our technology and service is not designed to collect any personally identifiable data. We also do not intentionally collect data that we consider to be sensitive such as data related to a user’s health or financial position and any data related to adult-oriented products or services. This includes any data such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life.

We store Preference Data and any other related information for up to six months.

How we use collected information

Preference Data collected from partner websites and third-party sources is analyzed to define groups and group anonymous users, based on demographic, behavioral and usage patterns, into segments. Users could be grouped in to segments such as ‘males interested in cars’ or ‘females interested in shopping’ or a ‘household with 2 children looking for real estate’.

Preference Data may also be used for accounting requirements, research to obtain a better understanding of online user behavior and interests or other educational analysis. It may also be used to create internal and industry reports, or similar materials for sales, marketing or other business purposes.

How we share collected Information

Eyeota shares Preference Data, segments and any other anonymous user profiles or non PII with marketers, advertisers and other business partners who provide online advertising services, or with the targeted publishers, display publishers, and networks in connection with reporting and accounting needs as well as with other unaffiliated third parties for various purposes such. The Preference Data is used for various purposes, such as targeting advertisements or other product and services related content to website visitors, statistical or educational analysis and reporting. Our business partners may use third-party service providers, acting on behalf of our partners, to display advertising or other content that reflects a user’s online interaction.

Reporting is also an integral part of Eyeota’s business. Our customers may receive periodic operational reports for billing and auditing, operational reports, and reports to evaluate information related to segments such as the number of users in a segment. The reports are prepared using aggregate data for users’ activities on websites from which Preference Data is collected and used. Our reports are prepared using anonymous log files that are maintained for up to six months.

The data that we collect and organize may be shared with authorized employees, independent contractors, consultants and subsidiaries. We may also use the services of third-party service providers for data storage, analysis, and processing facilities and to provide operational or other support services. The data is shared only to enable these entities to perform professional and technical functions in relation to Eyeota’s business. These entities are subject to confidentiality restrictions and are not authorized to use or transform the data for any purpose other than providing their services to Eyeota. They are required to project the safety of the data in compliance with this Privacy Policy.

We may be required to share data and information with regulatory authorities, government agencies, and law enforcement officials, as permitted or enforced by law. Additionally we may share data and information to defend or protect our legal rights, our intellectual and physical property, our employees and service providers, the safety and security of our business partners and their online users, and to protect us against fraud.

Finally, we may share some or all our data and information assets if our company is sold, acquired transferred or merged, files bankruptcy, undergoes debt refinancing, undergoes any form organizational change or any other business transaction that may require assets under our control to transferred to third parties as part of the business transaction. In these instances, Eyeota will take the steps necessary to ensure that the data and information will continue to be governed by its Privacy Policy.

Protecting Children

Eyeota does not intentionally collect any information from children under the age of thirteen.

Our corporate website

Our corporate website at www.eyeota.com is designed for our business partners.

We collect Personally Identifiable information in the “Contact Us” in the top section of our website. This information is provided by our customers in relation to information about our products and services. This information is confidential and is used only for communicating with our customers and other related parties. It is not used or combined with our Preference Data collected by our services to identify users or for any Third Party Online Behavioral Advertising by customers. If you wish to update or change this information in the “Contact Us” section please resubmit your details or send an email to info@eyeota.com.

How data and information is secured and protected

Eyeota takes appropriate security measures to safeguard preference data or information in our possession against unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure and destruction. Our security measures include physical security, appropriate encryption and restricted access to guard against the unauthorized use of data or information.

While we take all precautions to protect the data in our control, no security measures, however thorough, are perfect or can be guaranteed to be completely secure. Therefore, we cannot ensure or warrant absolute security of any Preference Data or other information. In particular we cannot guarantee that data or information will not be disclosed, altered, accessed or destroyed in accidental circumstances or by unauthorized acts of others.

Eyeota reserves the right to disclose any personally identifiable information if required by regulatory authorities, government agencies, and law enforcement officials, as permitted or enforced by law, to protect our or any other person’s legal rights and/or comply with court order or other legal proceedings.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Eyeota reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy periodically. Previous versions will be available in archives for review.

If there are any questions, comments, concerns or complaints related to this policy contact us by email at privacy@eyeota.com or by mail at:

Eyeota Pte Ltd, 12a Upper Circular Road, 058410, Singapore, Attention: Data Privacy


Your choices for opting out of Preference Data collection on desktop computers

Online users using desktop computers can opt-out from Eyeota’s Preference Data collection for Third Party Online Behavioral Advertising using any one of the following methods.

  • Using the opt-out tool provided at, a) for users in the USA, the Network Advertising Initiative’s site here, or the Digital Advertising Alliance’s site here, b) for users in Europe, the European Digital Advertising Alliance’s site here, and c) for users in Australia, the YourOnlineChoices Australia site here.
  • Changing your browser settings to block, delete and/or control the use of all third party cookies. Refer to your web browser’s Help documentation for more information for managing the use of cookies directly through the browser settings.
  • By clicking the Opt Out button towards the top of this page.

Online users have the choice of opting out via the Your Online Choices website or by managing browser cookies. The Opt-out tool downloads a browser cookie and will only work if your browser is set to accept third-party cookies.

The opt-out tool and cookie management via the browsers is specific to each computer and each version and each type of browser. If an opt-out cookie is deleted from the browser’s cookie files or if a different computer, browser version and/or browser type is used, the user will need to repeat the opt-out process.

Blocking or deleting third-party cookies from the browser may prevent the customized user experience on most websites. Additionally this will not prevent all online behavioral advertising as the users will continue to receive advertisements that are not related to browsing of third party websites and/or targeted or relevant to the website visitor. The life span of our opt-out function is 5 years if our opt-out cookie it is not deleted from the users’ browser.

If you would like to opt-out of advertising from Videology, one of Eyeota's partners, you can do so by either using the Your Online Choices opt-out tool www.youronlinechoices.com or the direct opt-out from Videology's website www.videologygroup.com/learn-about-interest-based-ads-opt-out/.

Your choices for opting out of Preference Data collection on mobile and tablet devices

Online users using mobile or tablet devices can opt-out from Eyeota’s Preference Data collection for Third Party Online Behavioral Advertising using any one of the following methods.

iOS Device

iOS 7 or Higher: Go to your Settings > Select Privacy > Select Advertising > Enable the "Limit Ad Tracking" setting

iOS 6: Go to your Settings >Select General > Select About > Select Advertising > Enable the "Limit Ads Tracking" setting

More information about the iOS setting can be found here.

Android Device

For Android devices with OS 2.2 and up and Google Play Services version 4.0 and up: Open your Google Settings app > Ads > Enable "Opt out of interest-based advertising" If you've turned on Limit Ad Tracking on your iOS device or the Opt out of interest-based ads on your Android device, you can restore interest-based ads by turning the settings off.

When you opt out, you will still see adverts on your mobile or tablet device; however, these adverts may be less relevant because they won't be based on your interests.