

Five ways to survive your first week back at work (without quitting)

Recent conversations with friends have made it clear to me that a tide of disgruntled employees is rising. "I'm just over it, I'm over working," one explained. "I've fallen out of love with my career, big time," said another. "I want to kill my boss, as in actually kill him. Don't tell anyone, but I might kill him ... are you recording this?"

A poll commissioned by the Open University last week found nearly 60 per cent of those surveyed want to change roles this year. But despite this growing trend for disgruntled employees, a high proportion of those surveyed said they lacked the self-confidence to make the move they so badly craved.

The key is not necessarily changing jobs, but rather your mindset. By approaching your current issues from a fresh perspective, says Dr Gary Wood, psychologist and author of Unlock Your Confidence, we no longer need to spend Sunday night filled with dread ahead of the morning to come. Here's what he suggests:

1. Change your routine. Like with Chinese water torture, where the slow dripping of water can eventually drive a person insane. "Look at your job and ask yourself what areas of it you can control," advises Dr Wood. "Perhaps you can occasionally take a different train in the morning, or you can swap your tasks around – like replying to emails after lunch instead of first thing. Small things can have a big impact."

2. Take a stroll. "You need to switch your brain off from time to time to stop it becoming all-encompassing, and taking a walk each day is really good for you. It's harder to log in and allows your brain to rest."

3. Embrace the notion of Thankfulness. It's tricky to keep up with the next prescriptive method for locating inner peace, but following in the slipstream of Mindfulness comes its chirpier cousin, Thankfulness, repackaged by Dr Wood as "Gratitude". "Each night you should write down three things that you were grateful for that day, then the following morning, write down three things that you are looking forward to. It counters the inbuilt negative perception that we have."

4. Limit your social media usage. "When you're not enjoying your work, comparing yourself with other people isn't a particularly good idea."

5. Be nice to your colleagues. "Be cheerful, confident, do things to make your colleagues' lives better, because when other people treat you like a happy, confident person, your own perception of yourself and your feelings towards work improves, too."

Telegraph, London