The architecture firm cashing in on Burwood's property boom

In the next couple of years, the results of more than half a billion dollars worth of apartment development will emerge over the skyline at just one inner west suburb - with cranes and construction work now a constant feature of the Burwood boom. 

Developers have moved quickly to cash in on land rezonings, particularly around the Burwood town centre in 2012, sending land values skyrocketing faster than anywhere in Sydney. 

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Pressure on Sydney's already-stretched housing and transport needs are a "symptom of Sydney's success", says NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes.

In just 12 months to July 2016, the value of residential land in Burwood rose by 37.5 per cent, the largest increase in the state, according to data released by the NSW Valuer General last week

The pace of development at Burwood comes as recent measures by the state government seek to emphasise good design as a key consideration in the planning process.

Concentrated near Burwood train station, a number of skyscrapers are in the works, including a $167 million proposal for a three residential towers in Belmore Street, which have been approved by state-government's joint regional planning panel.

But the majority of the new developments are below the $20 million threshold, requiring only council approval.


A Fairfax Media analysis of Burwood Council's development approvals data shows that just one local firm has designed over 40 per cent of the city's significant residential projects - comprising apartment blocks, units, boarding houses and townhouses - approved in the two years to December 2016.

Urban Link, a mid-sized firm which employs 30 architects and designers, has designed more than 20 recently approved buildings, amounting to over $140 million of development. The majority of the firm's designs are six- to nine-storey buildings combining offices with apartments. 

Urban Link's managing director, Tony Jreige, attributed the company's popularity with developers in the Burwood area to a familiarity with the council's planning controls and processes.

"People tend to go to local firms for local knowledge," he said. "Being a larger local firm is probably why we are getting some of these projects."

"A lot of our work is pretty much repeat work from previous clients, so a lot of it is due to our clients growing."

Asked about Urban Link's approach to design, given its capacity to shape the look of the Burwood area, Mr Jreige said the company was "cautious" to avoid garnering a reputation for becoming "repetitious and boring".

"When we're doing projects that are close to each other, I purposely allocate them to different designers and that is evident in the result."

At Burwood Council, development applications are only decided by a vote of councillors if eight or more community objections to the development are received. Otherwise they are approved or rejected under delegation by council staff. 

Speaking broadly about the suburb's rapid development, Burwood mayor John Faker said the council contracted independent companies to provide design guidance on new developments in a bid to impose quality controls on developers.

"The major concern I've got with the development that is going on is the design," he said.

But the current rule-based approach to planning, where a building's compliance with height and floor-space ratios are the main considerations, meant that once a building was compliant, the council had few grounds on which to reject it, he said.

"The planning law in Sydney is pretty much governed by floor space and height.

"There's nowhere in the planning code that allows councils to refuse a development based on design."

NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes has gone some way to address this, unveiling draft measures which insert good design as key object of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act - the core piece of planning legislation in NSW.

Shaun Carter, NSW President of the Australian Institute of Architects, said the measure would provide councils with a stronger legal basis to challenge developers to produce better designs.

"If design as a headline element of the act, you can always go back to it from a legal point of view and say 'explain how this is good design'."

He said councils needed to encourage developers to use a multitude of designers and architecture firms.

"Local government has this ability to say we need better design and more designers.

"Many, many architects designing a city is going to provide a richer built environment."