

Rolls-Royce hit with $1.1b fine, but it could have been worse

Fines that could wipe out a year's profits. A grovelling public apology from the chief executive. Immeasurable damage to the reputation of what was one of Britain's most prestigious companies.

It might seem like a just punishment for Rolls-Royce after it admitted what judge Lord Justice Leveson called "truly vast, endemic" bribery and corruption that ran for decades at the world-famous engineering business.

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Rolls-Royce settles bribery probe

Shares in Rolls-Royce climb six per cent after the British aero-engine maker settled a long-running bribery probe.

But it could have been so much worse. In fact, many will wonder if Rolls has got actually off lightly - along with the UK's industrial base.

The scale of corruption at the FTSE 100 engineering business was laid bare at the High Court yesterday, when Lord Justice Leveson's judgment was handed down. His verdict concluded that a Serious Fraud Office (SFO) investigation into Rolls had unearthed "the most serious breaches of criminal law in the areas of bribery and corruption, some of which implicated senior management".

He went on, in a statement that will cause fear in boardrooms across the UK, to say that some of this corruption involved "controlling minds of the company". Put simply, Lord Leveson was saying that Rolls's leaders were involved - hinting they could be the target of future criminal prosecutions. He was clear, though, that none of the current senior management were implicated, adding that, had they been, it could have had "real significance" to his approach.

The corruption admitted to included failing to prevent bribery or using middlemen to offer bribes - including a Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit car - to win sales of civil and military aircraft engines and energy equipment and to cover up illegal business practices. Rolls indulged in these practices in Indonesia, Thailand, India, Russia, Nigeria, China and Malaysia, with the actions running from 1989 to 2013. Documents released by the US and Brazilian authorities showed the company also admitted corruption in Angola, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Kazakhstan and Iraq.


The City took the previous day's announcement that the results of the SFO's four-year probe were about to be revealed pretty well. Investors were not deterred by news the company was to be hit with £671 million ($1.1 billion) of fines after thrashing out a "deferred prosecution arrangement" (DPA) to settle corruption allegations from the SFO and its US and Brazilian equivalents.

In fact, shares in Rolls ended the day up almost 4.4 per cent - adding almost as much to Rolls's market value as the penalty the company has to pay.

Crucially, the DPA - which required the High Court's approval - meant Rolls is effectively on probation and has avoided conviction. The accompanying ruling pointed out that the court had considered the impact a prosecution, rather than a DPA, would have on "employees, others innocent of misconduct or what might otherwise be described as the consequences of a conviction".

Prosecution would "undeniably affect Rolls's ability to trade in a world where it is a world leader and has a reputation for excellence", Lord Leveson noted, saying that many countries have public sector procurement rules which bar them from dealing with companies which have a criminal conviction. This, he said, meant that Rolls could lose between 15pc and 30pc - some ??23bn - of its ??76.4bn order book. "It is not difficult to visualise that the direct losses to revenue which would be caused by debarment would have a long-term financial effect consequent on losing contracts which, for commercial aircraft, can extend for 25 to 30 years," his ruling said, adding research and development work could also be hit.

The company's key role in providing Britain's military with engines for much of its equipment meant Lord Justice Leveson could see wider damage.

Out if its near-50,000 global staff, Rolls directly employs 24,000 people in the UK, supporting a further 135,000 British jobs, with the judge noting the potential for group-wide restructuring and redundancies were prosecution to have taken place.

"I have no difficulty in accepting that a criminal conviction...would have a very substantial impact on the company, which, in turn, would have wider effects for the UK defence industry and persons who were not conducted with criminal conduct."

It was a combination of factors which secured the company the DPA. Rolls's "exceptional co-operation" with SFO's inquiries, which covered 30m documents and 229 interviews, was one. But the key factor was the sea change in attitude at the business.

"Rolls is no longer the company it once was," said Lord Justice Leveson, who pointed to an entirely new board since the period of the corruption. The judgment notes Rolls was aware of "corruption indications" in 2010 while "under a different leadership" but decided not to report them until two years later. It was then, in 2012, that the SFO asked the company to look into public allegations on the internet by a whistleblower, which led to Rolls reporting itself to the regulator.

Sources close to the investigation admit Rolls would not have been able to secure a DPA if any former senior executives or board members were still in place.

But those who have gone might start looking around nervously. One of the key parts of the DPA states that Rolls must co-operate with any further criminal investigations. The judge says that although he knows the identities of individuals referred to in the so-called "statement of facts" about the corruption, "given the continued criminal investigation into individuals [naming them] would be to prejudice potential criminal proceedings".

For the SFO, which has been criticised for past failures to call companies to account, the outcome is a major victory. For Rolls, although this is an end to its own liabilities in these cases, for some of its former executives, it may just the beginning.

Telegraph, London