

Step aside, politicians, and let somebody who knows what they're doing take charge

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After a spate of overdoses from a "toxic" batch of ecstasy on Chapel Street last weekend, and one death from an unidentified substance at a New Year's rave, our governments remain stubbornly unconvinced that anything needs to change.

The Victorian Premier has suggested advocates of pill testing are out of touch with reality, but, seriously, who's out of touch when our illicit drug policy is dominated by sermonising politicians and buttressed by the ranks of the misinformed who would like us to suppose that illicit drug deaths are down to permissive parenting?

The Daily Telegraph, for instance, was keen to remind us earlier this month that "illegal drugs kill" – not as many each year as prescription drugs, it neglected to mention – and that "maintaining that message is a parenting 101". But what about public policy 101 – some risks can't be eliminated, only minimised? And what about adolescence 101, for heaven's sake – young adults like to take risks?

The intransigence of our political leaders on the topic of pill testing is a matter of ongoing dismay for drug policy experts – that select group of unfortunate individuals whose advice is vigorously and relentlessly ignored. In frustration, Dr Alex Wodak, president of the Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation, has labelled the current crop of ministers a "bad batch". Strong words. But when you consider Wodak's record on the front line of drug law reform – pioneering a needle exchange program that significantly reduced the spread of HIV – and his years advocating for a pill testing program that could well have saved these young lives, maybe they're not strong enough.

We can only hope that 2017 is not a rerun of the year before – the worst season ever, according to emergency physicians – but in ways that count, nothing has changed.

Last year, doctors who pledged to trial pill testing at summer music festivals were told they'd be arrested, along with anyone lining up to have their pills tested. The NSW Police Minister even went so far as to suggest doctors could be charged with manslaughter for drug-related deaths. But what level of culpability, one wonders, should apply to those that obstruct pill testing or, for that matter, to the ubiquitous police sniffer dog program that many, including former AFP commissioner Mick Palmer, believe exacerbates risky drug taking? "Primum non nocere" – "first do no harm" – may be the dictum that binds our health care providers, but it's a shame it doesn't apply to government authorities.


Our governments, meanwhile, persist in calling for "drug-free events" – which are about as likely as the "drug-free world" that former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan now concedes is a collective delusion. And if the sentiments expressed by our political leaders bolster their "tough on crime" credentials, they're unlikely to have much of an impact on the one in 10 20-somethings who take ecstasy in Australia each year. What's more, it's akin to the message that abstinence is the only way to avoid unwanted pregnancy – an archaic and morality-laden doctrine that's still being peddled in those mid-western American states that also happen to have the highest rates of teen pregnancy.

As for the arguments against pill testing, both depressingly predictable and woefully ill-informed, they include claims that it will support the drug dealers' business model, and that it won't save lives. Except that it doesn't, and it can.

Pill testing – or drug checking – can lead to acquisition of long-term data on drug trends and deliver credible information to users about the risks of consumption. Deployed in dozens of European countries including France, Spain, Germany and Switzerland, drug checking also generates critical information for public warning campaigns which, in turn, weed out the most dangerous black market substances and along with them, presumably, the dealers that profit from dangerous and adulterated products.

More importantly, though, pill testing at festivals has been shown to positively influence consumption choices – although, seriously, is it any surprise that discovering you're about to ingest a potentially fatal substance is more of a deterrent than the hectoring of parents or even a state premier?

And that, bizarrely, is what sticks in the craw of those opposed to pill testing – the notion of a regime that encourages people to refuse drugs based on a sober analysis of the risks, rather than because they're morally repugnant. Don't think about it, for heaven's sake, Just Say No. If the "Just Say No" campaign had any traction, though, it wouldn't now be widely discredited as a prime example of failed drug intervention. And it failed, according to psychologists, precisely because it lacked the genuine engagement and the recognition of behavioural norms that festival pill testing has an opportunity to deliver.

So where does this leave us, aside from grappling with what Annan calls a "divorce between rhetoric and reality"? While festival promoters and drug law reform advocates, including Palmer, are calling for pill testing as a matter of urgency, the federal government is not convinced of its merits. State leaders, meanwhile, have an opportunity to either face facts or stick to the moral high ground. It's easy to imagine they'll opt for the latter, but they'll find themselves increasingly isolated there.

The best we can hope, for the sake of the half a million Australians that currently use ecstasy – our second most prevalent illicit drug – is that politics can step aside, for once, and allow the people who know what they're doing to take the lead. The grim alternative is more preventable drug deaths, and yet more moralising from those who had the power to make a difference, and instead did nothing.

Sarah Gill is a Fairfax Media columnist.


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