My School provides information about schools in Australia, letting you see how a school is performing, compared to schools with similar students.

The My School website is a resource for parents, educators and the community to receive information about each of Australia’s over 9,500 schools and campuses.

My School now has nine years of data enabling fair comparisons to be made among schools serving students from similar socio-educational backgrounds, using the index of community socio-educational advantage (ICSEA). It is ICSEA that enables fair comparisons to be made between schools with similar students.

The publication of data on My School allows educators to share information about school achievements and characteristics with the aim of supporting and driving improvement across the nation. For parents, My School provides valuable information to help make informed decisions about their child’s education.

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New features in 2017:

  • the latest (2016) profile and population data on each school
  • outcomes from the 2016 round of NAPLAN testing
  • nine years of performance data for comparison
  • the latest financial figures on each school, including capital expenditure and sources of funding.

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Contact details

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority                       

Address: Level 13, Tower B, Centennial Plaza,
               280 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW 2000.

Phone: 1300 895 563


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