

You have the power to change who we see on television

When corporate Australia bravely seeks to show Australia's diversity in its advertising, some segments of society – perhaps ironically feeling left out – become vocal in their opposition.

Take last week's advertising campaign "controversies" for example.

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Lamb ad features Australia's 'boat people'

The latest Australia Day lamb ad features Indigenous Australians whose beachside barbecue is soon interrupted by droves of people arriving by boat.

Target Australia featured a woman wearing a hijab and children with disabilities in its back-to-school catalogue, while Meat and Livestock Australia's annual Australia Day lamb ad included a very diverse cast and not a single mention of Australia Day.

The fact that it is even newsworthy that there have been negative reactions to the diversity (separate to "Invasion Day" criticisms levelled at the lamb ad) is an indictment of where we are as a society. It's the same story when there are complaints about TV casting or a non-Anglo-Celtic personality winning a Logie award. These should be non-issues.

The backlash against the diversity on display shows how far we still have to go in closing the gap between our diverse community and the monocultural faces we see reflected back on our screens.

But national advertising has the power and reach to supersede the collective impact of academic debates, articles and even face-to-face conversations. 


Seeing and hearing diverse, everyday Australians on our screens and airwaves can have a profound impact in helping to normalise "difference" –  or rather normality –   in a manner that cannot be rivalled. Advertising  reaches the lounge rooms of millions of Australians, injecting itself into everyday conversations and challenging assumptions and biases. 

This is particularly important in an era where divisive politics has successfully "otherised" diverse minority groups and normalised xenophobia against them.

Inclusion of diverse (not mere tokenistic) voices and faces in our media and advertising landscape reaffirms the presence of diverse groups as part of the tapestry of Australian society.

We have an increasing issue of disenfranchisement among the youth, particularly youth of diverse backgrounds. We want them to reach for the stars and aspire for more but the thing is, you can't aspire to be someone you can't see.

A PwC report on media diversity indicated that an astounding 82.7 per cent of the Australian media workforce is monolingual. An article citing the research in The Conversation concluded "that a lack of diversity is stunting the industry's growth and future" and that "behind these statistics are systemic problems like unconscious bias and similarity attraction" in recruitment for the media. No doubt, such findings may be extrapolated and applied to the advertising landscape as well.

We know that well executed diversity and inclusion strategies can deliver social and financial dividends and contribute towards helping social cohesion.  

But despite well-intentioned policies, these efforts may fall by the wayside if not everybody is sold on the concept. You can't create inclusion by being exclusionary so you need to bring everyone on the journey.

While diverse minority groups certainly don't hold a monopoly on disenfranchisement, the inherent and deeply embedded barriers they face are not immediately apparent to everyone. 

We can all benefit from better understanding how privilege operates in society and what each of us can do to ensure we level the playing field. All of us can become more aware of our own unconscious biases.

In doing so, perhaps we'd become more comfortable with the fact that Australia is evolving and changing. Our screens and airwaves simply need to catch up.  

It is not only the right thing to do but also because it will pay dividends in more ways than one.

If you work at a marketing or advertising agency – or a company that uses one – please consider the power of each and everyone of your casting decisions.

Don't play it "safe". Embrace diversity in all its forms. Reflect your customer base in your advertising. Your audiences will love you for it. And it will pay dividends and have an immeasurable impact.

And if you're an everyday Tom, Deng or Hamed like me, demand more of your retailers and suppliers. Reward those who embrace diversity and inclusion and challenge those who don't. You are not powerless. Without you, corporate Australia cannot flourish. Raise your voice and hold them to account. 

Mariam Veiszadeh is a lawyer and diversity and inclusion practitioner.