Thursday, December 15, 2016

Neo Nazi Keith Kowal Exposed and Vehicle Redecorated

In recent weeks, local Antifa groups were put on alert that a man named Keith Kowal(pictured here) thought it was safe to drive a white Jeep Wrangler (pictured here) adorned with an anti-Antifa bumper sticker, a bumper sticker posing the question, “got pride?”( in obvious reference to white pride), as well as a giant skrewdriver emblem in the rear window of the ragtop throughout the Chicagoland area. Some Antifa folks in the area of the western suburbs, where the vehicle was traced back to, decided it best to relieve this piece of shit of that notion.

From an email:
The new Antifa arrows across each side are a great new addition to the vehicles otherwise bland paintjob. He probably won’t be needing that skrewdriver emblem in the back of the soft top any more so it’s probably good that it was taken off his hands.  Our comrades also couldn’t leave without a firm reminder to the local Nazi that “we are watching” and that if you ask for exposure and attention, then a giant “Nazis out” across the side panel would probably be another welcome addition.

It’s important to extend these small reminders to your local fascists that their ideology is not welcome and they are not safe in our communities, whether they’re driving around town or in their own homes. Speaking of homes, here’s some info about the owner of this vehicle.

Keith Kowal
813 Chicago Ave
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Age: 51
(630) 541-6013
Plates: V51 3238


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  2. good thing nobody reads your gay ass blog except other antifags.

  3. I wonder if they do the same to the many vehicles with al Qaeda flag decals on their windows. Oh they don't believe in Islamic Fascism


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  6. Physically he fits the description of the guy who vandalized the Chicago Loop Synagogue. IMO, you guys did it.
