Inktober, Week 2!

Week 2! Which was... uh... a week ago. Ppffft, technicalities. Anyway, here's the sketch dump all prettied up just for you. 

Reminder... this month, for Patreon patrons at the $5 and above levels, I will send you one random signed print from all my InkTober sketches. 

Oregon Reads Aloud: A Collection of 25 Children's Stories by Oregon Authors and Illustrators

SMART is an Oregon organization that provides one-on-one reading support and books to kids in need, working to get kids excited about reading. This year is their 25th anniversary, and in celebration, they collaborated with area authors and illustrators to create this charming book of 25 children's stories. I was honored to fill the illustrator roll for the charming story  "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel" by Curtis C. Chen about a very young astronaut. 

Illustration preview from "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel" by Curtis C. Chen.

Illustration preview from "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel" by Curtis C. Chen.

This book is a beautiful collection featuring an amazing variety of stories. For more information about SMART and what they do, please visit their site. If you'd like to order the book, it's available now for pre-orders and everywhere books are sold on Oct. 18th.





Inktober, Week 1!

Week one of InkTober is done! Onward to week two!


I'm planning on doing more of the prehistoric skull critters because I'm really enjoying them and I haven't drawn realistic styles in far too long.


ALSO! This month, for Patreon patrons at the $5 and above levels, I will send you one random signed print from all my InkTober sketches.

Rose City Comic Con and Geek Girl Con Sketches

Here are all the randomized monster sketches I created for many wonderful people at this year's Rose CIty Comic Con and Geek Girl Con. Thanks to everyone who rolled for a randomized monster!

The Ghastlytrump Tinies

Hi everyone! Are you registered to vote yet (for USA elections)? Don't know if your registration is valid and up to date?


You can check your status here.

You can register here. Registration deadlines are soon, as in today for some states, so please don't dawdle!


Recently, game designer extraordinaire, Mike Selinker, asked me to help out with this important project. It's now available for participation by you!

  Here's the official description of this project:

The Ghastlytrump Tinies is a parody of Edward Gorey’s classic alphabet book The Gashlycrumb Tinies, but with the children representing what we’d lose in a hypothetical (we hope!) Trump administration. It is written by game designer Mike Selinker, illustrated by 26 of the best artists on the planet, and published by Basket of Adorables.
A mere 1,000 copies of this softcover book are available for $25 (plus $10 shipping) - but you can pay that $25 (or more!) as a donation to the Clinton campaign or the Southern Poverty Law Center and only send us ONE PENNY (plus the shipping). If you do that, just email us a copy of your receipt from Hillary Clinton’s donation page or the SPLC donation page. But act now. Once it’s gone, it’s gone like the things in this book will be if we elect Trump.

If this is something you are interested in, you can find all the details, including the contents of the book and an audio version read by the ever delightful The Doubleclicks, over at the official Ghastlytrump Tines website.


Less than a month to go. May the force be with us.

Geek Girl Con Oct. 8-9!

In little over a week I'll be at Geek Girl Con for the very first time (table 203). If you are attending, please stop by and say hi! Also, if there is anything special you'd like me to make and/or bring, let me know. I'll probably have my Monster-o-Matic or something similar for convention sketches too.