The Scalzi Creative Sampler

Interested in stuff from me, but not entirely sure you want to lay down vast sums of cash just yet? Fair enough. What you’ll find here is writing, audio versions of stories, and music, all created by yours truly, and all free for you to enjoy.

Here’s what’s on offer at the moment; this entry will be updated from time to time, when more of my stuff goes up.

Novels & Novel Excerpts

* Agent to the Stars — a complete novel, published in limited edition hardcover by Subterranean Press in 2005, and trade paperback by Tor in 2008.

* The first chapter of The Android’s Dream, published by Tor in October of 2006.

* “The Secret History of The Last Colony — An excised chapter from an early version of The Last Colony, the novel which came out in April 2007. This non-canonical chapter was published at Subterranean Online in August, 2008.

Novellas & Novelettes

* “The Sagan Diary,” audio version — an audio version of my 2007 novelette, set in the universe of the “Old Man” books (and occurring sequentially between the books The Ghost Brigades and The Last Colony). Read by Mary Robinette Kowal, Elizabeth Bear, Karen Meisner, Ellen Kushner, Helen Smith and Cherie Priest.

* The text version of “The Sagan Diary”

Short Stories

* “Alien Animal Encounters — a short story published in Strange Horizons magazine, in October, 2001. An audio version is available here.

* “Missives from Possible Futures #1: Alternate History Search Results — A short story published by Subterranean Magazine Online, February, 2007. This was nominated for the Sidewise Award (for best alternate history short story) for 2007.

* “Pluto Tells All” — A short story published by Subterranean Magazine Online, May, 2007.

* “After the Coup — A short story in my “Old Man’s War” universe, published at Tor.Com, July, 2008.

* “Denise Jones, Super Booker — A short story published by Subterranean Online, September, 2008.

* “Judge Sn Goes Golfing” –– An abridged audio version of the story featured in a 2009 Subterranean chapbook, taking place in the universe of The Android’s Dream.

* “The President’s Brain is Missing” — A short story published at, July, 2010.

* “When the Yogurt Took Over” — A 1,000 word story of global conquest by dairy product, October, 2010.

* “An Election” — A short story presented by Subterranean Online, published on Whatever, November, 2010.

* “The Other Large Thing” — A short story written to celebrate 20,000 followers on Twitter, August, 2011.

* “Dave and Liz and Chicago Save the World” — A short story written for the Chicon7 (the 2012 Worldcon) program, August, 2012.

Other Stuff

* Subterranean Magazine, Issue #4 (pdf link) — An issue of Subterranean Magazine guest-edited by me. Featuring stories by Allen Steele, Jo Walton, Nick Sagan, Elizabeth Bear and many others.

* Clash of the Geeks — an electronic chapbook featuring stories by Wil Wheaton, John Scalzi, Patrick Rothfuss, Catherynne M. Valente, Rachel Swirsky and others, for the benefit of the Michigan/Indiana affiliate of the Lupus Alliance of America.

* “Waiting For Athena (pdf link) — A chapbook of essays written just before (and one just after) my daughter Athena was born. Originally published as a limited edition chapbook accompanying the Subterranean Press edition of my Hugo-winning essay collection Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded, in 2008.

* “Morning Announcements at the Lucas Interspecies School for Troubled Youth — A video of my live performance of a humor piece I wrote for the June 7, 2010 w00tstock show in Minneapolis, MN.

* Music For Headphones — My album of electronica.

* “Saturn Speaks— A single electronica track, based on recorded sounds from the planet Saturn.

* Wallpapery Shots — A Flickr set of pictures I’ve taken that would make nice computer wallpapers.

Have fun!