Availability for Interviews, Appearances, Writing Work and Optioning Existing Work

Want to interview me, have me speak at your organization, invite me to your convention or conference, have me write for your magazine, newspaper, anthology or film/TV project, or wish to adapt or translate my existing work? Here’s how to do this.

First: The very best way to contact me is through my e-mail address john@scalzi.com.


I’m generally happy to be interviewed. I prefer phone interviews because that means I don’t have to do any typing. I am more selective about the e-mail interviews I do because they are more work for me. In-person interviews will require you coming to where I am.

Please query me before sending questions. Please tell me who you are, for whom you are writing the interview, and how you wish to conduct the interview. If you are a journalist on a short deadline (i.e. by the end of the work day), you may include questions or a contact number.

Interview tips: Generic stock questions will get you generic stock answers. “Wacky” questions rarely are as amusing as you might think they are. Good interview questions generally show knowledge of who I am and what I do.


I am generally available for speaking events, on the subjects of writing, science fiction, science (particularly astronomy), technology, film and music. I charge for appearances and expect my hosts to pay for travel and incidental expenses when applicable.

Please e-mail me and tell me who you are, the organization or event at which you wish to have me speak, and the date and time of the event, and what you hope to pay for my services. Please do try to ask me to your event at least three months in advance of the speaking date so I can have adequate time to fit the event into my schedule.

I may be available to appear at book fairs and other literary events, time permitting. Please contact me and tell me who you are, the event you represent, and the location and dates of the event. The earlier you send along information, the better.

Note, February 10, 2016: I am currently revamping how I handle my non-convention appearances and as a practical matter am putting on hold accepting any appearance invitations until this is completed. If you’re seeing this note, I am not currently accepting non-convention appearances.


I attend several science fiction conventions a year and would be happy to consider yours. Please e-mail me and tell me who you are, the convention you represent, and the location and dates of the convention.

Generally speaking, it is best to invite me as early as planning allows to help me plan my convention appearance schedule. Please note that I generally attend Worldcon whenever it happens to fall in any particular year, so short of a Guest of Honor invitation, I am unlikely to accept an invitation to a convention scheduled against it.

Be aware that I require all science fiction conventions who ask me to attend as a Guest of Honor to have clear and obvious policies concerning harassment. I also strongly prefer that conventions I am a guest at have clear and robust accessibility policies for the disabled.

Note, February 10, 2016: I am not accepting guest invitations for science fiction conventions for 2017. I am available for conventions in 2018 and beyond.


First, a general note regarding both fiction and non-fiction work: I do not write for others without being paid. This is my job. If you cannot pay me to write for you, do not ask me to write for you. You will be wasting my time and yours. Requests for non-paid writing will be deleted unanswered.

My base rate for solicited original writing, non-fiction and fiction, is $2 per word.


I am available for non-fiction work and have expertise and publishing credits in the fields of writing, science fiction, film, music, video games, technology and business. I have also worked as a humor and opinion columnist. As I worked at a newspaper for years, I am comfortable working to deadlines.

If you are interested in having me write a non-fiction article for your outlet, it will help me quite a bit if you have some idea of the general topic on which you wish me to write, as well as the suggested length. It will also help if you approach me well in advance of the article deadline, particularly if it’s an article that includes interviews and research on my part.

Please e-mail me and tell me who you are, the outlet you represent, and the general topic and length of the proposed article, and your payment rates.


Short fiction anthologies/collections: I am not currently accepting invitations to participate in, or requests to commission new stories for, anthologies or collections. If there is a specific previously-written story of mine you wish to include in your anthology or collection, feel free to contact me via e-mail with your request, noting the proposed publication, intended publication date and payment rate.

Short fiction magazine commissions: On an extremely limited basis, I will entertain commission proposals for fiction from print or electronic magazines. Please note, however, I am not likely to entertain commissions where payment is not commensurate to my investment in time and effort (please note my base rate above). Likewise, please be aware that if you approach me about writing a short story for your magazine or anthology, you are commissioning the work; except for my purposes, I don’t typically write short fiction unless the purchase has already been agreed to. For this reason, I don’t have any previously unsold short fiction lying around that I can sell to your magazine or anthology.

If you are interested in commissioning fiction work from me, please e-mail me and tell me who you are, the magazine you represent, and the general topic and length of the proposed story, and your payment rates.

Longer works/alternate media: I am open on a limited basis to hearing proposal concerning longer form fiction or in writing fiction for alternate media (audio, video games, etc). Please e-mail me and tell me who you are, the company you represent, and the general topic and length of the proposed work, and your payment rates.

Collaborations: Please note that I am not currently looking to collaborate with other writers on novels or other writing.


Adaptations (non-TV/Film) and Foreign Rights: Please contact my agent, Ethan Ellenberg, of the Ethan Ellenberg Agency.

Film/Television options on existing works: Please contact my film/TV agent, Joel Gotler, at the Intellectual Property Group. Please be aware that all film/TV queries will be routed through Mr. Gotler, and that if you contact me directly querying about film/TV options, my response will be to refer you to him.

Requests to write or collaborate on screenplays: As noted above, I currently have no interest in collaborating on writing. If you are otherwise interested in having me write (or rewrite) a screenplay, please contact Joel Gotler at Intellectual Property Group.

Queries to produce material for film/TV: I am not in the market to produce unsolicited material. Do not send it to me. Queries of this sort will be deleted unanswered.


Something else you’re interested in having me do that’s not here? Send me an e-mail and explain yourself.

Thanks for your interest!