Contact Information

Here’s how you can reach me:

E-mail: (this is, hands down, the best way to contact me.)

Twitter: Scalzi

Facebook: John Scalzi

Mail: If you are a publicist/creator who wants to send me something, guidelines are here.

And now the caveats!

E-mail: I get dozens of legitimate e-mails — that is, e-mails from real live humans — each day. I read them all. Because responding takes time, I don’t answer some I feel don’t need a response, and many of the others I will answer very briefly. I hope you understand this isn’t me being a jerk, it’s me trying not to have e-mail take up hours and hours of my day.

Likewise, sometimes e-mails will slip through the cracks and/or get eaten by my spam filters and/or just get accidentally deleted because I’m a moron. This includes e-mails from people who are really hoping for a response.

If you are really hoping for a response and I haven’t responded to your e-mail and it has been a week or more since you sent your original e-mail, please feel free to send another.

That said, please remember that I am not your e-mail monkey. Thank you.

Twitter/Facebook: Feel free to tweet in my direction but be aware that with 90,000+ followers I don’t see or respond to every tweet directed to me. My public Facebook account has messaging turned off because I never read those anyway and I don’t want to instill false hope. I have a private Facebook account which is not difficult to find but I don’t typically read those messages either. Honestly, if there’s something serious to you need to reach me for, e-mail is the best way to go.

Other social networks: I almost never read private messages on other social networks. Sending me mail there is the equivalent of throwing your message down a hole.

Other forms of communication: If you’re determined you can probably find other ways to contact me; I’m not in hiding, after all. However, most other forms of contact run the risk of interrupting me while I’m working or having a life or otherwise not wanting to be intruded upon. And then I get grumpy and mean. You wouldn’t actually want to contact me when I’m in that state. Trust me on this. So please stick to e-mail and maybe Twitter. Thanks.