View From a Hotel Window, 1/12/17: Boston

The first one of the year. No parking lot, but there is a street with parking on it, so I have that going for me, which is nice.

I’m here in Boston visiting friends, with no scheduled public events. Sorry. However, next weekend I will be at the Confusion convention in the Detroit area, and I’ll be doing a reading and signing there. Just in case you were planning to be in the neighborhood.

12 thoughts on “View From a Hotel Window, 1/12/17: Boston

  1. I hope your time there involves lots of laughter, generous amounts of ice cream, and no uncooperative technology. Safe travels!

  2. One of my favorite towns. Do go see the Museum of Fine Arts, if you have the time. Always something wonderful going on.

  3. I hope you like what we did to the weather for you. And if you’re thinking of visiting a museum, there’s a Da Vinci exhibit currently at the Museum of Science.

  4. So is that neon sphere part of the building you’re in or the building across the way or did you capture a picture of some sort of interdimensional probe/higher intelligence trying to communicate?

  5. I keep being distracted by your tweets: that’s a fine hat you’ve got there, and those strangely coloured drinks worry me, what with the Flavour Aid read across and all. However, I did greatly enjoy the prologue to ‘The Flow’, and obviously am therefore grumbling about how long it will take to get my hands on it.

    In other news I am home from hospital; those of us who spend quite a lot of time in them know they are, if not in an alternative universe, at least in a different world. It takes time to readjust to this planet, and therefore I shall be reading the Tor giveaway collection to assist my transition.

    The Trump Transition really isn’t helping; I keep wondering whether I am on the right planet…

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