Sunset, 1/1/17

Today I went on a date with my wife, wrote something I liked, and got a pretty sunset out of the day. 2017, you’re off to a decent start. Keep it up!

6 thoughts on “Sunset, 1/1/17

  1. I wrote some stuff I liked, took some photos that I liked, and started on a house-decluttering project. I didn’t much like that part, but will keep at it this year, as it’s the closest thing to a resolution that I’ve made for myself.

  2. It’s clear where I am now. Venus, the crescent moon, and Mars are in conjunction in the evening sky – tonight and tomorrow night!

  3. It’s beautiful! I am particularly grateful because I am in hospital, and saw no sunset at all, so a stunning one is a great gift.


    Alas, no visible night sky either; we need all the beauty we can get, so please put in some extra appreciation on my behalf!

  4. One of last year’s better things, for me, was discovering this blog. (So many disparaging “social justice warrior” references; had to come and see. :D ) 2017’s starting well: I bought “Old Man’s War” and “Redshirts” on New Year’s Eve and have already devoured both. Looking forward to reading more in the OMW universe. As for “Redshirts,” the last coda had me wiping away tears. I eagerly anticipate further developments in that universe too.

    Here’s to a happy 2017 and many more great sunsets!

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