Building on 2,000-year-old hydraulic systems, UNDP is helping farmers in Sri Lanka adapt to new climatic conditions.  More »
Champions from across the world will travel to China to meet UNDP’s first Animal Ambassadors, two adorable panda cubs called Qiqi and Diandian.  more »
Drawing on lessons from the 2010 earthquake, UNDP's post-Matthew response is designed and implemented in close partnership with local authorities.  more »
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From a devastating war in Syria to a historic peace deal in Colombia; from the ratification of the Paris Agreement to the urgency of sea level rise in the Maldives, 2016 has been a year of contrasts, and UNDP has been there in some 170 countries helping communities shape development.  More »
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Young people around the world are using their voice to make the Global Goals a reality. We asked eight young leaders what kind of world they’d like to see by 2030.  More »
Global Goals can be a powerful catalyst of human progress. They make people’s shared aspirations tangible and trackable, directing our attention forward and focusing minds on what unites us.  This is one the main lessons learned from 15 years of action to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the...  more »
2016 was a momentous year for UNDP. And helping to narrate it all was our huge network of experts and development practitioners around the world.  more »
Hurricane Matthew affected 1.3 million people in Haiti. Some 750,000 are in need of immediate assistance.  Donate now »