Doing It Ourselves

Our new website is coming soon, please stay tuned!

In the meantime, here is a bit of information about us...

Doing It Ourselves engages the broader community to talk about the harmful systems in society, encourage resistance against them, and inspire people to take part in empowering alternatives... because they do exist!

We want to live in a world where we can meet our needs, have a healthy relationship with each other and the earth's ecosystems, and lead more fulfilling lives.

Doing It Ourselves (DIO) is an awareness-raising project based both online and in Melbourne, Australia. We work to fulfil three primary agendas: First, to raise public awareness of the damaging systems in society, and that the interconnected issues which stem from those systems can only be dealt with through systemic change. Second, we aim to encourage resistance against those harmful systems in a variety of ways. Third, we engage the community and inspire people to take part in empowering alternatives to current systems - because not only do they exist, they are growing, and they're joyful! We want to build the movement toward systemic change, using a holistic approach, reshaping the current paradigms of economics, culture and happiness.

We run events, workshops and talks both locally and interstate (get in touch if you'd like to host one) on a variety of topics relating to broad systemic and culture change. We publish a newsletter, will be hosting a radio show on 3CR from October 2016, and we run a zine distro to build community knowledge and skills. We're also working toward doing lots of postering and stickering, running theme camps at festivals and making short films and animations which advocate our ideas around systemic change.

DIO brings together knowledge and thought on voluntary simplicity, community building, appropriate technology, direct action, community gardening and permaculture, co-operatives and ethical enterprising, activist strategy, direct democracy, communal living, alternative economics, self-actualisation, sharing, behaviour change, holistic wellness, peer-to-peer education, transformative justice and community accountability, communication skills, carbon draw down, natural building - and much more. For online copies of 'zines' on these topics and more, you can have a look in our google drive folder.

We are actively non-hierarchical and cooperative in our organisation. We are a community run and community oriented group, who meet voluntarily to share past and present knowledge and skills amongst ourselves and the broader community. This is an ongoing process of engaging and empowering people! We prioritise inclusivity and attempt to remove barriers of engagement. Lastly, and perhaps foremost, we value the symbiotic relationship with our eco-systems and with each other.

We'd love you to help work on the project - we're growing fast, and there's lots to do! We value diverse skills and/or the desire to learn new skills, and there's a variety of tasks for a variety of people. So contact if you want to get involved, or if you'd like to receive our newsletter. And If you're eager to see updates and/or keep upwind of any workshops and events we're running, please 'like' or 'subscribe' to DIO on facebook (or join our newsletter).

'Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing.' - Arundhati Roy

Doing it Ourselves has been around since 2011, but has recently had a change of politics, if you knew our old politics and you're curious about why we've changed, you can read our newsletter article about it.