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Salvo Major's comments outrage gay rights groups

Simon Lauder reported this story on Monday, June 25, 2012 12:51:00

EMILY BOURKE: The Salvation Army has been forced to make a public apology after one of its majors stated that the Salvation Army believes gay people should die.

The Salvation Army is at pains to point out that it does not discriminate when it comes to delivering services and support to communities.

Gay rights groups say it raises a bigger issue when it comes to discrimination by faith-based organisations.

Simon Lauder reports.

SIMON LAUDER: Major Andrew Craib is the Salvation Army's spokesman in several states. Late last week he was interviewed on Melbourne radio station Joy FM about the organisation's Handbook of Doctrine, which refers to the Romans text from the Bible.

ANDREW CRAIB: That's a part of our belief system.

SERENA RYAN: So we should die?

ANDREW CRAIB: We have an alignment to the scriptures, but that's our belief.

SIMON LAUDER: Major Craib also clarified the policy against practicing homosexuals holding office with the Salvation Army.

ANDREW CRAIB: We would say to be a full member of the Salvation Army, you ought not to be practising in your homosexuality.

SIMON LAUDER: The Salvation Army has been quick to correct the record after Major Craib's interview. It's issued an apology for the suggestion that gay people should be put to death, explaining that the biblical text is not to be taken literally, but refers instead to spiritual death.

The Salvation Army's head of social programs, Major Paul Moulds, says the sentiment isn't reflected in his work.

PAUL MOULDS: I can tell you there's been people in tears about this, because it is so much not - you know, to suggest that the Salvation Army would ever wish harm on another person, would ever wish because of their sexuality for them to be, to die, is just intolerable for me.

SIMON LAUDER: Would it be worth getting rid of all of those references, particularly with that script from the Romans, just to I guess remove any possibility that it could be misinterpreted in the future?

PAUL MOULDS: I think what you're saying is that we need to seriously reflect on how those sort of passages are received in today's world. In today's world where there is understanding of the nature of homosexuality, where there is understanding of the struggles people have and the impact of it on their life - absolutely we should be reflecting.

You know, I don't know that we can, you know, our whole faith Simon is built on the scriptures and to just suddenly start packing, you know, removing pieces because we struggle with them, I don't think is the answer either.

SIMON LAUDER: Sally Goldner from the Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby welcomes the Salvation Army's apology, but she says any text which says that homosexuals deserve to die should be rejected completely.

SALLY GOLDNER: I've been myself out for 17 years and this is the first time I've heard anyone in any large organisation of any sort say gays should be put to death and I just think it's a terrible situation that needs to be totally 100 per cent plus put down.

SIMON LAUDER: The controversy comes as gay rights groups are fighting against discrimination by faith-based groups. Faith-based organisations are allowed exemptions to anti-discrimination laws in most states and territories and under Commonwealth law.

The Federal Government is now working on legislation to consolidate its anti-discrimination laws.

The New South Wales Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby's policy adviser, Senthorun Raj, is hoping it will also reconsider the exemptions.

SENTHORUN RAJ: Now one of the things we've highlighted in our submissions to the Government is the issue of exemptions and to ensure that exemptions are, you know, done with an extremely narrow way.

So obviously in an ideal situation there'd be no exemptions, but if there are going to be exemptions then they need to not exist if you're in receipt of public funds and that they applied for and that they should be transparent.

SIMON LAUDER: The Federal Government is due to release the draft legislation later this year.

EMILY BOURKE: Simon Lauder.

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