
Change of preference: frequently asked questions

What are my chances of getting an offer after main round?

There is no certain answer, except to say that last year more 90 per cent of offers were made in the first round.

However, if you want to change your preference to see what else you may be eligible for, the choice is yours. Remember as long as you accept the offer by enrolling, you won't lose your existing offer and there are no additional charges for changing your preferences.

Will all courses participate in offer rounds outside main offer rounds in January?

Apart from this offer round, courses are not required to participate in subsequent rounds.

How do I know what courses are actively selecting applicants after each offer round?

As in previous years, after the main round of January offers institutions are not obliged to participate in subsequent rounds. Courses that know they will no longer be making selection decisions will indicate this, and it will be shown against your preferences in your user account.

This will assist you in making smart change of preference decisions.

As there is no way to predetermine which courses will be participating in subsequent offer rounds, you shouldn't wait until the release of future rounds before you accept your current offer.  


The course I want to add to my preferences requires me to attend an interview. Can I still add it to my course preferences?

When you add a course to your course preferences, you must always ensure that you've met the prerequisites and selection requirements for that course.

If the course you want to add has selection requirements, contact the institution directly as they may be prepared to allow you to fulfil the requirements before the next round of offers.

What if I don't get an offer, should I change my preferences?

If you don't get an offer you have two options:

1. Wait to see if you receive an offer in a subsequent offer round for your existing course preferences. You will be automatically reconsidered for all of your preferences in the next round.

2. Change your preferences by adding, deleting or re-ordering your course preferences for the next offer round.

Whichever option you choose, you remain eligible to receive supplementary offers (after round two) as long as you haven't received any other offer.

If I get an offer, can I still change my preferences?

Even if you receive an offer for a course, you can change your preferences before the next round. Just make sure that all the courses you would like to be considered for are listed above any offer you have already received, and make sure that you meet the prerequisites and have completed any selection requirements outlined in the course entry.

You can't accidentally delete an offered course from your preferences, but you can move it up or down your preference list.

What if I get my first preference, can I still change my preferences?

If you get your first preference in an offer round, congratulations! If you want to change your preferences and see if you get an offer for one of the other courses included on your preference list or maybe add a new course, simply move your offered course to the bottom of your preference list.

That way, institutions will know to consider your course application in subsequent rounds.

Remember that you are not guaranteed to get an offer in any subsequent rounds, so make sure you follow the enrolment instructions sent to you by the deadline specified.

Will accepting my offer lock me out of changing my preferences in future rounds?

No. You can change your preferences as many times as you like, irrespective of whether or not you have already received an offer and enrolled or not.

If you have enrolled in a course and receive an offer in a subsequent offer round all you need to do is contact the institution at which you have enrolled to withdraw.

If I don't get an offer and have given permission, am I still eligible to receive a supplementary offer after round two?

Yes. If you haven't received an offer and have given VTAC permission to circulate your details to courses with vacancies, you will be eligible to receive a supplementary offer. At the same time, you can also reconsider your course preferences and add, delete or re-order your course preferences for the next offer round.