

'I got lost': Australian family missing from Japanese ski resort found safe and well

An Australian woman and her three sons who spent a night in bitter cold at a Japanese ski field have been sent to hospital for health checks.

An employee at the Nozawa Onsen Snow Resort, west of Tokyo, says he understands the family were found about 8.45am (local time) after skiing in back country over Kenashi mountain, which is outside official ski routes.

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Missing skiers found in Japan

An Australian family have been found by an emergency ski patrol at the Nozawa Onsen ski resort in Japan after they failed to return from a day of skiing on Monday. Vision courtesy ABC News 24

Daisuke Tozawa says 20 centimetres of snow fell at the top of the mountain between 3pm Monday and 7am Tuesday and there was also risks of an avalanche.

The woman, believed to be in her 50s, and her sons were found by an emergency ski patrol, according to a local tour company.

"Missing family found and are all well in Nozawa Onsen," Nozawa Holidays tweeted on Tuesday.

"Great news and a strong message to everyone to take care in the mountains."


Nagano police had searched for the family after they failed to return to the Nozawa Onsen ski resort after a day of skiing.

Japanese media reported that the family had dug themselves into a snowhole near Mount Kenashi to await their rescue.

A concierge staff member at the resort told Fairfax Media the family was reported missing at 6pm on Monday. 

Police searched for the skiers near the summit of the mountain.

According to Japanese news site Mainichi, the woman and her sons contacted a Facebook friend to say they were lost.

"I'm skiing and I got lost," the woman reportedly told her friend.

The report said the four skiers had dug a hole for cover and were going to wait for rescue workers to find them.

Jennifer Johnston, another Australian tourist who has been staying at Nozawa Onsen since Thursday, said the decision to build a snow cave was "possibly the smartest thing they could have done" in the situation.

Ms Johnston said conditions had been "very challenging" on the ski fields.

"One of the ladies who's staying in our lodge has just been out on what you could call an easy run and she just said the powder is phenomenal," she said.

"It's a green run, but the powder is up to your knees in sections. Visibility is low as well.

"We had another Australian family arrive from Sydney yesterday afternoon and they just can't believe the cover. Conditions are what you'd call very challenging up top, visually. It's just the very mad keen ones who will go up."

Nozawa Onsen, in Nagano prefecture, north-west of Tokyo, is a popular destination for overseas skiers and snowboarders.

The incident follows warnings about the heavy snow conditions in the region.

People should not "head off-piste as there are some extremely unstable layers and the likelihood of becoming stuck is an almost certainty," the Nozawa Onsen Guide website said.

A spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said they had been in contact with local authorities.

According to a Nozawa Onsen snow report, snowfall has been ample in the region since last Wednesday.

"Be careful, the snow is in parts deeper than head high," the Nozawa Onsen Guide posted on Facebook said.

"Don't get yourself into anything you can't get yourself out of."

With AAP