Doesn't Pauline Hanson Know That No-One Wins A Fight Against Lee Lin Chin?

Take that on the 'Chin', Pauline.

18/01/2017 9:49 AM AEDT | Updated 19 hours ago
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It's an indisputable fact that Lee Lin Chin rules the Twittersphere, so why Pauline Hanson engaged in some Twitter beef with her is completely beyond us. But she did.

The feud (if you can call it that) all began when Hanson posted on Twitter to brag about scoring some ticket's to Donald Trump's inauguration bash.

"Would you believe it? I have been gifted tickets to the Presidential Inauguration Ceremony of @realDonaldTrump - What an honour! #auspol," Hanson tweeted.

The SBS newsreader, whose Twitter account is actually run by SBS' Chris Leben (sorry to ruin the illusion), jumped in to burst Hanson's bubble asking "who hasn't got tickets?".

And Pauline wouldn't be well, Pauline if she didn't bite back and use it as an opportunity to insert something race-related into the debate. Not cool.

Chin's Twitter account brought some humour back into the mix, with a witty response leaving Hanson seemingly speechless, well Tweet-less anyway.

"Men pay to be in my harem. It's like you don't even know who I am," the tweet said.

It's not the first time Chin's account has ruled Twitter. Here are some of her other cheeky tweets because it's hump day and let's face it, you need this.


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