Want To Be A Better Photographer? Harvard Just Uploaded Its Photography Course Online For Free

17/01/2017 7:41 AM AEDT | Updated 10 hours ago
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Thanks to the arrival of the smartphone, we've become a generation of amateur photographers, sharing our best #nofilter efforts with the world.

But if you actually fancy improving your photography beyond the pixels of your iPhone, then Harvard University could have the answer you're looking for.

Harvard University, listed as the sixth best university in the world in The Times 2016-2017 rankings, is famed for its world-class-teaching and expertise.

But if you don't fancy coughing up the $43,000 dollars in tuition fees (and don't forget accommodation costs too) that students paid last year, you can now access a full photography course online instead.

For free.

Not only will it not burn a hole in your pocket, but you can do it all from the comfort of your own home.

The course, which has been uploaded to ALISON – one of the many repositories of higher education on the internet – features a total of thirteen modules for distance learning.

The first twelve parts look at the fundamentals of photography, from composition, to light and exposure, and of course the best software tools for digital photography.

Then the thirteenth, and final, module is an assessment of everything you have learned over the duration of the course.

If you pass that examination with more than 80% then you are awarded a Harvard diploma to print and hang above your mantelpiece.

Won't your grandma be proud?

The only drawback is that the course is the one that was taught on campus in 2009, so while the basics are still the same, the software advice is a little outdated.

But we think we can learn to live with substandard Photoshop knowledge in return for a free diploma from Harvard.

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